Benedicite), in which "the spirits and souls of the righteous" are
that we should never for one moment dream of accepting as truth
called on to bless the Lord.
that which, if we know anything of His Word, we should
The Te Deum, also, which does not date further back than the
instantly and instinctively detect as human tradition used for a
fifth century, likewise speaks of the Apostles and Prophets and
special purpose. But, unfortunately, we have been brought up for
Martyrs as praising God now.
the most part on man's books, instead of the Bible. People draw
From all this it seems to us perfectly clear that the Lord was
their theology from hymns written by men who were saturated
not delivering this as a Parable, or as His own direct teaching;
with tradition; who, when they did write a good hymn generally
but that He was taking the current, traditional teachings of the
spoiled it in the last verse, by setting "death" as the church's
Pharisees, which He was condemning; and using them against
hope, instead of Christ's coming. Hence, hymns are solemnly
themselves, thus convicting them out of their own mouths. We
sung which contain such absurd, paradoxical teaching as the
are quite aware of the objection which will occur to some of our
singing of God's praises while our tongues are seeing corruption,
readers. But it is an objection based wholly on human reasoning,
and "lie silent in the grave".
and on what appears to them to be probable. It will be asked, is it
Persons saturated with such false traditions come to this
possible that our Lord would give utterance in such words
Scripture with minds filled with the inventions, fabrications, and
without giving some warning to us as to the way to which He
imaginations of man; and can, of course, see nothing but their
used them? Well, the answer to such is that, warning has been
own traditions apparently sanctioned by our Lord. They do not
given in the uniform and unanimous teaching of Scripture. His
notice the fact that in the very parable itself the Lord corrected
own words: "they have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear
the false doctrine by introducing the truth of resurrection. But
them", addressed to the Pharisees through "the Rich Man" may
when we read the passage in the light of the whole Word of God,
be taken as addressed to us also. We have (as they had) the
and especially in the light of the context, we see in it the
evidence of the Old Testament (in "Moses and the Prophets"),
traditions of the Pharisees, which were "highly esteemed among
and we have also the evidence of the New Testament, which
men", but were "abomination in the sight of God" (v. 15).
accords with the Old. If we "hear them", it would be impossible
All these traditions passed into Romanism. This is why we
for us to suppose, for a moment, that Christ could be teaching
read in the note of the English Romish Version (the Douay) on
here, that which is the very opposite to that of the whole Word of
Luke 16: "The bosom of Abraham is the resting place of all them
that died in perfect state of grace before Christ's time heaven,
We have the Scriptures of truth; and they reveal to us, in
before, being shut from men. It is called in Zachary a lake
plain, direct, categorical, unmistakable words, that "the dead
without water, and sometime a prison, but most commonly, of
know not anything"; and that when man's breath goeth forth, "in
the Divines, 'Limbus Patrum', for that it is thought to have been
that very day his thoughts perish". It is taken for granted,
the higher part, or brim, of hell", etc. Our Protestant friends do
therefore, that we shall believe what God says in these and many
not recognize this fact; and hence they have not wholly purged
other passages of His Word; and had we not absorbed tradition
themselves from Romish error. The Jews corrupted their religion
from our earliest years we should have at once seen that the
by taking over the Pagan teachings of Greek Mythology.
popular interpretation of this passage is quite contrary to the
Romanism adopted these Jewish traditions of prayers for the
whole analogy of Scripture. We ought to discern, at the very first
dead and added others of her own; and the Reformed Churches
glance at it, that it is unique, and stands out so isolated, by itself,
took over Romish traditions connected with the so-called