Isaac, and Jacob, the oath which I sware unto you, I have
(3) Another example may be given out of a host of others
performed unto your children'." Note that 'Go thou and say to
(Midrash on Ruth, fol. 44, 2; and Midrash on Coheleth
Abraham', etc.
(Ecclesiastes) fol. 86, 4). "There are wicked men, that are
Then follows a story of a certain pious man that went and
coupled together in this world. But one of them repents before
lodged in a burying place, and heard two souls discoursing
death, the other doth not, so one is found standing in the
among themselves. "The one said unto the other, 'Come, my
assembly of the just, the other in the assembly of the wicked.
companion, and let us wander about the world, and listen behind
The one seeth the other and saith, 'Woe! And Alas! There is
the veil, what kind of plagues are coming upon the world'. To
accepting of persons in this thing. He and I robbed together,
which the other replied, 'O my companion, I cannot; for I am
committed murder together; and now he stands in the
buried in a can mat; but do thou go and whatsoever thou hearest,
congregation of the just, and I, in the congregation of the
do thou come and tell me'," etc. The story goes on to tell of the
wicked.' They answered him: 'O thou foolish among mortals that
wandering of the soul and what he heard, etc.
are in the world! Thou weft abominable and cast forth for three
(5) There was a good man and a wicked man that died; as for
days after thy death, and they did not lay thee in the grave; the
the good man, "he had no funeral rites solemnized"; but the
worm was under thee, and the worm covered thee; which, when
wicked man had. Afterward, there was one who say in his dream,
this companion of thine came to understand, he became a
the good man walking in gardens, and hard by pleasant springs;
penitent. It was in thy power also to have repented, but thou dist
but the wicked man "with his tongue trickling drop by drop, at
not'. He saith to them, 'Let me go now, and become a penitent'.
the bank of a river, endeavouring to touch the water, but he
But they say, 'O thou foolishest of men, dost thou not know, that
could not". (Chagigah, fol. 77. Treatise on Exodus 23:17).
this world in which thou are, is like a Sabbath, and the world out
(6) As to "the great gulf", we read (Midrash [or Commentary]
of which thou comest is like the evening of the Sabbath? If thou
on Coheleth [Ecclesiastes], 103. 2), "God hath set the one
does not provide something on the evening of the Sabbath, what
against the other (Ecc. vii. 14) that is Gehenna and Paradise.
wilt thou eat on the Sabbath day? Dost thou not know that the
How far are they distant? A hand-breadth". Jochanan saith, "A
world out of which thou camest is like the land; and the world,
wall is between", but the Rabbis say "They are so even with one
in which thou now art, is like the sea? If a man make no
another, that they may see out of one into the other".
provision on land for what he should eat at sea, what will he
have to eat?' He gnashed his teeth, and gnawed his own flesh".
The traditions set forth above were widely spread in many
(4) We have examples also of the dead discoursing with one
early Christian writings, showing how soon the corruption
another; and also with those who are still alive (Beracoth, fol.
spread which led on to the Dark Ages and to all the worst errors
18, 2 ­ Treatise on Blessings). "R. Samuel Bar Nachman saith,
of Romanism. The Apocryphal books (written in Greek, not in
R. Jonathan saith, How doth it appear that the dead have any
Hebrew, Cents. i and ii B.C.) contained the germ of this
discourse among themselves? It appears from what is said (Deut.
teaching. That is why the Apocrypha is valued by Traditionalists,
xxxiv. 4), And the Lord said unto him, This is the land,
and is incorporated by the Church of Rome as an integral part of
concerning which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob,
her Bible.
saying" What is the meaning of the word saying? The Holy
The Apocrypha contains prayers for the dead; also "the song
Blessed God saith unto Moses, 'Go thou and say to Abraham,
of the three Children" (known in the Prayer Book as the