contrary, in a manner which must be in perfect and complete
(which outdoes the Spiritists' invention of an "Astral body")
harmony with them: and in such a way that it shall be necessary
which has no foundation whatever in fact: and is absolutely
for the better understanding of the whole context in which it
destitute of anything worthy of the name "evidence" of any kind
stands. That is to say, we must not explain the Parable
whatsoever. Then again, Hades is never elsewhere mentioned as
apologetically, as though we wished it were not there; but as
a place of fire. On the contrary, it is itself to be "cast into the
though we could not do without it. We must treat it as being
lake of fire" (Rev. 20:14).
indispensable, when taken with the context.
Moreover, there is this further moral difficulty; in this
Let us look first at some of the inconsistencies of the
parable, which is supposed to treat of the most solemn realities
Traditional Interpreters. Some of them call it a "Parable"; but the
as to the eternal destiny of the righteous and the wicked, there is
Lord does not so designate it. It does not even being by saying
a man who receives all blessing, and his only merit is poverty.
"He said". It commences abruptly - "There was"; without any
That, for ought that is said, is the only title Lazarus has for his
further guide as to the reason or meaning of what is said. Then
reward. It is useless to assume that he might have been righteous
they follow their own arbitrary will, picking out one word or
as well as poor. The answer is that the parable does not say a
expression, which they say is literal; and another, which they say
word about it; and it is perfectly arbitrary for anyone to insert
is parabolic. For example, "Abraham's bosom" is, according to
either the words or the thought. On the other hand, the only sin
them, parabolic; and denotes Paradise. They are bound so to take
for which the rich man was punished with those torments was
it, because if literal, "Abraham's bosom" would hold only one
his previous enjoyment of "good things" and his neglect of
person! It refers to the act of reclining at meals, where any one
Lazarus. But for this neglect, and his style of living, he might
person, if he leaned back, would be "in the bosom" of the other.
have been as good and moral a man as Lazarus.
John was so placed with regard to the Lord Jesus (John 13:23;
Again, if "Abraham's bosom" is the same as Paradise, then
21:20), and it was a token of favor and love (John 19:26; 20:2;
we ask, "Is that where Christ and the thief went according to the
21:7). Then they take the "fire" and the "water", the "tongue"
popular interpretation of Luke 23:43? Did they go to "Abraham's
and the "flame", etc., as being literal; but when the Lord
bosom"? The fact is, the more closely we look at Tradition, the
elsewhere speaks of "the worm that dieth not", they take that as
more glaring are the inconsistencies which it creates.
parabolic, and say it does not mean "a worm" but conscience. In
The teaching of the Pharisees had much in common with the
all this they draw only on their imagination, and interpret
teaching of Romanists and Spiritists in the present day. We have
according to their own arbitrary will.
only to refer to the Lord's words to see what He thought of the
If we follow out this illogical principle, then according to
Pharisees and their teachings. He reserved for them His severest
them Lazarus was never buried at all; while the rich man was.
denunciations and woes; and administered to them His most
For "the rich man also died and was buried" (v. 22); while
scathing judgments. It was the teaching of the Pharisees, which
Lazarus, instead of being buried, was "carried by the angels into
had made the Word of God of none effect, that was the very
Abraham's bosom". There is the further difficulty as to how a
essence of their sin and its condemnation. Everywhere the Lord
man who has been actually buried, could think without a brain,
refers to this as bringing down His wrath; and calling forth His
or speak without a tongue. How can the spirit speak, or act apart
"woes". The Word of God said one thing, and the Pharisees said
from the physical organs of the body? This is a difficulty our
another; they thus contracted themselves out of the Law of God
friends cannot get over: and so they have to invent some theory
by their traditions. The context shows that the Lord's controversy