(as in I Cor. 15:29) means dead bodies, or corpses. See Gen.
"eternal life", for it is declared to be "the gift of God" (Romans
23:3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15. Deut. 28:26. Jer. 12:3. Ezek. 37:9. Matt.
6:23). Very different, therefore, are these two cases. The
22:31. Luke 24:5. I Cor. 15:29 (1st and 3rd words), 35, 42, 52.
Atonement and Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ has made
On the other hand, nekroi without the article (as in I Pet. 4:6)
all the difference for His people. They die like others; but for
means dead people, i.e. people who have died. See Deut. 14:1.
them it is only falling asleep; Why? Because they are to wake
Matt. 22:32. Mark 9:10. Luke 16:30, 31; 24:46. Acts 23:6;
again. Though dead, they are now called "the dead in Christ",
24:15; 26:8. Romans 6:13; 10:7; 11:15. Heb. 11:19; 13:20. I
but it remains perfectly true that "we who are alive and remain to
Cor. 15:12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29 (2nd word), 32. This throws
the coming of the Lord shall not precede (R.V.) them". And,
light upon I Pet. 4:6 (where it is without the article), which
therefore, it follows, of necessity, that they cannot precede us.
shows that "the dead", there, are those who had the gospel
But it is sometimes urged that "the Lord led forth a multitude
preached to them while they were alive, and though, according to
of captives from Hades to Paradise when He wrested from Satan
the will of God, man might put them to death, they would "live
his power over death and Hades" (Eph. 4:8). But the fact is that
again" in resurrection. The word μεν (men), though, is left
Eph. 4:8 says nothing about Hades or Paradise! Nothing about
untranslated, both in A.V. and R.V., as it is in I Pet. 3:18.
"multitudes of captives", and nothing about the state between the
The word ζαω (zao), to live again, has for one of its principle
moment of His dying and rising. It was "when He ascended up
meanings, to live in resurrection life. See Matt. 9:18. Acts 9:41.
on high" that there was this great triumph for the Lord Jesus
Mark 16:11. Luke 24:5, 23. John 11:25, 26. Acts 1:3; 25:19.
Christ. We are not told what were all the immediate effects of
Romans 6:10; 14:9. II Cor. 13:4. Rev. 1:18; 2:8; 13:14; 20:4, 5.
Christ's death, resurrection and ascension, in Satan's realm of
We are expressly enjoined by the Lord Himself: "Marvel not
evil angels. Col. 2:15 tells us the great fact that He "spoiled
at this: for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the
principalities and powers". Henceforth He held the keys of death
graves shall hear His voice" (John 5:28). These are the Lord's
and the grave (Hades):
own words, and they tell us where His Voice will be heard; and,
that is not in heaven, not in Paradise, or in any so-called
Revelation 1:18
"intermediate state", but "in the GRAVES". With this agrees
"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for
Dan. 12:2, which tells us that those who "awake" in resurrection
evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
will be those "that sleep in the dust of the earth". It does not say,
in "Abraham's bosom", or any other place, state, or condition,
There was a mighty conflict and a glorious victory when
but "IN THE DUST OF THE EARTH"; from which man was
Christ rose from the dead and conquered him that had the power
"taken" (Gen. 2:7; 3:23), and to which he must "return" (Gen.
of death. In proof and token of His triumph "many" (not a few)
3:19. Ecc. 12:7).
rose from the dead (Matt. 27:52, 53); but as other that have been
It is of course, most blessedly true that there is a vast
raised from the dead again sleep in Christ awaiting the return and
difference between the saved and the unsaved in this "falling
the final Resurrection.
asleep". The former have received the gift of "eternal life"
We now come to the so-called Parable itself. It is evident that
(Romans 6:23): not yet in actual fruition; but "in Christ", who is
this Scripture (Luke 16:19-31) must be interpreted and
responsible to raise them from the dead (John 6:39), that they
understood in a manner that shall not only not contradict that
may enter upon the enjoyment of it. The unsaved do not possess
plain and direct teaching of all these passages; but on the