"No! Lord. Thou needest not to come for me: I will die and
(i.e. bring again from the dead), even as the Lord Jesus died and
come to Thee". Thus the blessed hope of resurrection and the
rose again" (v. 14).
coming of the Lord have been well nigh blotted out from the
(b) That we which are alive and remain till His coming shall
belief of the Churches; and the promise of the Lord been made
not precede those who have fallen on sleep.
of none effect by the ravages of Tradition. Men may write their
(c) And therefore they cannot be with the Lord before us (v.
books, and a Spiritist may entitle on "There is no death", etc.
They may sing words and expressions which are foreign to the
(d) The first thing to happen will be their resurrection. They
Scriptures, about "the Church triumphant". They may speak of
are called "the dead in Christ". Not the living, but "the dead", for
having "passed on"; and about the "home-going"; and "the great
resurrection concerns only "the dead" (v. 16).
beyond"; and the "border-land"; and "beyond the veil"; but
(e) The next thing is we, the living, shall be "caught up
against all this we set a special revelation from God, introduced
together with them to meet the Lord in the air" (v. 17). Not (as
by the prophetic formula, "the Word of the Lord".
many people put it) to meet our friends, who are supposed to be
"This we say unto you BY THE WORD OF THE LORD that
already there; but to meet "the Lord Himself" (v. 17).
we which are alive and remain shall not precede (R.V.) them
(f) Finally, it is revealed that this is the manner in which we
which are asleep" (I Thess. 4:15).
shall be "with the Lord". The word is houtos thus, so, in this
To agree with Tradition this ought to have been written,
manner, and in no other way.
"shall not precede them which are already with the Lord". But
this would have made nonsense; and there is nothing of that in
Those who do not know the truths here given by special
the Word of God. There are many things in Scripture difficult;
Divine revelation have invented other ways of getting there.
and hard to be understood; there are many Figures of Speech
They say the "death is the gate of glory". God says that
also; but there are no self-contradictory statements such as that
resurrection and ascension is the gate. It is the tradition that
would have been.
those who have fallen asleep are already in heaven that has given
Moreover, we ought to note that this special Divine revelation
rise to the idea of "the Church Triumphant". But no such
was given for the express purpose that we might not be ignorant
expression can be found in Scripture. Eph. 3:15 is supposed to
on this subject, as the heathen and Traditionalists were. This
teach or support it, when it speaks of "The whole family in
revelation of God's truth as to the state of the dead is introduced
heaven and earth". But it is by no means necessary to translate
by the noteworthy words in verse 13: "I would not have you
the words in this way. The R.V. and the American R.V. render
ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep". Unless,
them "every family in heaven and earth" so does the A.V. also in
therefore, we know what the Lord has revealed, we must all alike
Eph. 1:21, where we have the same subject, viz. the giving of
remain "ignorant". What is revealed here "by the Word of the
names (as ονομαζω onomazo, in both places, means. See Luke
Lord", is
6:13, etc.) to some of these heavenly families, e.g. "principality
and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is
(a) That as the Lord Jesus was brought again from the dead
named, not only in this world, but in that which is to come". It is
(Heb. 13:20), so will His people be. "If we believe that Jesus
not "the whole family" that is named; but every family has its
died, and rose again, even so (we believe that) them also which
own name given to it. A few verses before Eph. 3:15 we have
two more of these families, "principalities and powers" (v. 10).
sleep in (R.V. marg. through) Jesus will God bring with him"