a third thing, which is called "soul" or "living soul". Hence the
the Translators. Nephesh is actually rendered "body" in Lev.
word "soul" is used of the whole personality; the living
21:11. Num. 6:6; 19:11, 13. Haggai 2:13. "Dead Body" in Num.
'organism' e.g. Gen. 12:5, "Abram took Sarai his wife...and the
9:6, 7, 10. And "The Dead" in Lev. 19:28; 21:1; 22:4. Num. 5:2;
souls (i.e. the persons) whom they had gotten in Haran". Gen
6:11. In none of these passages is there a word in the margin of
36:6, "And Esau took his wives...and all the persons (marg. Heb.
either the A.V. or R.V. to indicate that the translators are thus
souls) of his house". So 46:15, and 26, "All the souls (i.e.
rendering the Hebrew word nephesh(soul).
persons) which came with Jacob into Egypt". As persons, souls
Again, Sheol is the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament
have "blood" Jer. 2:34, "In thy skirts is found the blood of the
for the grave, or death-state, and Hades is the corresponding
souls of the poor innocents". The Hebrew word nephesh(soul) is
Greek word for it in the New Testament. It is Hades in Luke
actually translated "person" in Gen. 14:21; 36:6. Ex. 16:16. Lev.
16:23; and not Gehenna, which means hell.
27:2. Num. 5:6; 31:19; 35:11, 15, 30 (twice). Deut. 10:22; 27:25.
The Scriptures are also positive and numerous which declare
Josh. 20:3, 9. I Sam. 22:22. 2 Sam. 14:14. Prov. 28:17. Jer. 43:6;
the "Hades", where the Rich Man is said to be "buried" is
52:29, 30. Ezek. 16:5; 17:17; 27:13; 33:6.
always represented as a place of silence. "There is no work, nor
Hence, the Lord Jesus says, "Fear not them which kill the
device, nor knowledge in the grave (Heb. Sheol) whither thou
body, but are not able to kill the soul(i.e. the 'personality') but
goest" (Ecc. 9:10). But the rich man, here, was making devices,
rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body (i.e.
based on his knowledge. Of those who are there it is written,
the whole personality) in hell" (Greek, Gehenna, not Hades)
"Their love, and their hatred, and their envy is now perished;
(Matt. 10:28).
neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is
Hence, souls (as persons) are said to be destroyed: Lev. 5:1, 2,
done under the sun" (Ecc. 9:6). But the rich man is represented
4, 15, 17; 6:2; 17:11, 12. Num. 15:30. See also Joshua 10:20, 30,
as having "love" for his brethren; and as having a "portion" in
32, 35, 37, 39.
what is being done on earth.
The soul, being the person, is said to be bought and sold. See
Lev. 22:11, and Rev. 18:13, where the word "soul" is used of
Psalm 6:5 declares that
"In death there is no remembrance of Thee,
Hence, also, when the body returns to dust and the spirit
In the grave (Heb. Sheol) who shall give Thee thanks?"
returns to God, the person is called a "dead soul", i.e. a dead
person. That is why it says in Ezek. 18:4, "The soul that sinneth,
Psalm 31:17,
it shall die"; and Psalm 78:50, "He spared not their soul from
"Let them be silent in the grave" (Heb. Sheol).
death". What "the breath of life" is in Gen. 2:7, is explained for
us in Gen. 7:22, where we read that every thing died, "all in
Psalm 115:17,
whose nostrils was the breath of life". Margin, "Heb. the breath
"The dead praise not the Lord;
of the spirit of life", which is a still stronger expression, and is
Neither any that go down into silence"
used of the whole animate creation that died in the Flood.
But such are the exigencies of Traditionalists, that in thirteen
The Scriptures everywhere speak of the dead as destitute of
passages where the Hebrew word "nephesh" (soul) refers to a
knowledge or speech;
dead soul, such reference is hidden from the English reader by