There would be no praising after he ceased to "live". Nor
goes to Purgatory or to Paradise; or with Spiritualism, that it
would there be any singing of praises after he had cease to "have
goes elsewhere.
any being". Why? Because "princes" and "the son of man" are
The prayer in I Thess. 5:23 is that these three (body, soul, and
helpless (Psalm 146:3,4). They return to their earth; and when
spirit) may be found and "preserved ENTIRE...at the coming of
they die, their "thoughts perish": and they "know not anything".
our Lord Jesus Christ" (R.V.): i.e. preserved alive as a "living
This is what God says about death. He explains it to us
soul" till (or "at") that coming; and not to die and be separated
Himself. We need not therefore ask any man what it is. And if
before it. Hence the importance of Resurrection as the great
we did, his answer would be valueless, inasmuch as it is
doctrine peculiar to Christianity; and known only by revelation.
absolutely impossible for him to know anything of death, i.e. the
All man's religions end at death, and his only hope is "after
death-state, as we have no noun in English to express the act of
death". Christianity goes beyond this, and gives a hope after the
dying (as German has in the word "sterbend"). This is
grave. Scripture shuts us up to the blessed hope of being reunited
unfortunate, and has been the cause of much error and confusion.
in resurrection. This is why the death of believers is so often
We find the answer is just as clear and decisive in Psalm
called "sleep"; and dying is called "falling asleep"; because of
the assured hope of awaking in resurrection. It is not called "the
sleep of the body" as many express it; or "the sleep of the soul".
"Thou takest away their breath (Heb. spirit), they die,
Scripture knows nothing of either expression. Its language is,
And return to their dust:
"David fell on sleep" (Acts 13:36), not David's body or David's
Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created:
soul. "Stephen...fell asleep" (Acts 7:60). "Lazarus sleepeth"
And thou renewest the face of the earth".
(John 11:11), which is explained, when the Lord afterward
speaks "plainly", as meaning "Lazarus is dead" (v. 14).
With this agrees Ecc. 12:7, in which we have a categorical
Now, when the Holy Spirit uses one thing to describe or
statement as to what takes place at death:
explain another, He does not choose the opposite word or
expression. If He speaks of night, He does not use the word light.
"Then shall the dust RE-turn to the earth as it was:
If He speaks of daylight, He does not use the word night. He
And the spirit shall RE-turn unto God who gave it".
does not put "sweet for bitter, and bitter for sweet" (Isa. 5:20).
He uses adultery to illustrate Idolatry; He does not use virtue.
The "dust" was, and will again be "dust": but nothing is said
And so, if He uses the word "sleep" of death, it is because sleep
in Scripture as to the spirit apart from the body, either before
illustrates to us what the condition of death is like. If Tradition
their union, which made man "a living soul", or after that union
be the truth, He ought to have used the word awake, or
is broken, when man becomes what Scripture calls "a dead
wakefulness. But the Lord first uses a Figure, and says "Lazarus
sleepeth"; and afterwards, when he speaks "plainly" He says
Where Scripture is silent, we may well be silent too: and,
"Lazarus is dead". Why? Because sleep expresses and describes
therefore, as to the spirit and its possibilities between dying and
the condition of the "unclothed" state. In normal sleep, there is
resurrection we have not said, and do not say, anything.
no consciousness. For the Lord, therefore, to have used this word
Scripture says it will "return to GOD". We do not go beyond
"sleep" to represent the very opposite condition of conscious
this; nor dare we contradict it by saying, with Tradition, that it
wakefulness, would have been indeed to mislead us. But all His