VI. GENTILE DECLINE. In Isa. xxxiii. 1; li. 22, 23 and Jer. xxx. 10, 11, we read that when God thus takes the cup
of trembling out of the hand of the Jew, He will put it into the hand of the Gentile: He will also make a full end
of the nations whither the Jews have been driven.
What is the principle that has led to Jewish emancipation? "Equality." What is the principle animating all the
present forces of disintegration? Equality! This is the very canker which to day is beginning to eat into the
vitals of the Gentile nations. The wedge which when driven home will split up and break up the nations of
the world. And
VII. THE JEW IS TO BRING THIS ABOUT as the Instrument, see Micah v. 8,9 and Zech. xii. 6.
1. The Jews are the fathers of modern Rationalism in the person of Spinoza and Strauss (see Archdeacon
Lee on Inspiration, pp. 463-6).
2. As to Socialism, Communism, Internationalism, Nihilism, and Anarchy, we read that in 1848, the Jews, Carl
Marx and Leibknecht organized the International Working Men's Association. Marx drew up the laws of the
present movement in 1864.
3. In Germany, a Jew, Ferdinand Lasalle, in 1863, founded the German Socialist party. And the Text books of
Socialism are Marx's Critique of Capital, and Lasalle's System of Acquired Rights (i.e., that capital is
4. The Russian Nihilists have among them ten times as many Jews as of all others put together.31
In conclusion, All these things are new. What we now see, has not been seen before, or till now! It is the
beginning of the end! All these facts seem to tell us that many Scriptures are beginning to be fulfilled, and
that before long God will remove His heavenly people and deal again, first in judgment, and afterwards in
mercy with His earthly people Israel.
Restoration can be the only result of all these combined movements. If the Jews are to repossess Palestine,
Turkey must lose it. In 1822 Turkey lost Greece. In our day she has lost Roumania, Servia, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
then more of Greece, then Tunis, while Egypt, Armenia and Arabia are on the move.
THE EASTERN QUESTION is the one question with which all the newspapers of Europe are filled, all minds
are occupied, and to which all eyes are turned. All the nations of Europe are arming themselves for its
settlement, but it will never be settled till God takes it up, and how near may be the time when He will do so
we, cannot tell. But as we know that summer is near when we see the buds and the leaves, though we know
not the day, so we may tell that the time cannot be far distant when God will take up the Eastern Question,
and with it the Jewish Question32 and settle both for ever.
Many circumstances point to it.
See The Nineteenth Century for January, 1881. "The dawn of the Revolutionary Epoch."
See an important article in The Century Magazine for February, 1883, entitled "The Jew and the Eastern