flatteries and deceit, then by violence and persecution shall lead up to his own destruction by the glory of
Christ's coming with His Saints -- the saints having been previously caught up to meet Him in the air.
In a work by the Rev. Dr. S. H. Kellog, of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., entitled, "The Jews: or prediction and
fulfilment,"29 there is a mass of evidence, and a collection of facts showing how in the past history of the
Jews the most minute predictions have been literally fulfilled, and pointing the most powerful argument to a
like literal fulfilment of prophecies in the present, and in the near future. We must refer those who wish to go
more deeply into the subject to Dr. Kellog's book, while we give a brief resume of his facts and figures in the
following notes.
In showing that predictions as to the future of Israel are already beginning to receive their fulfilment, it is not
necessary to assert or to assume that God has begun to deal with the Jews in the proper sense of the term.
God has not now two distinct peoples on the earth under two distinct covenants; any more than He had in
the early years of the Church when the Jews were being dispersed. In the Acts of the Apostles we see how
"the Church of God" was being formed, and side by side with that, "the Jew" was being scattered and
dispersed, and his Temple destroyed according to the Word of God. All through this dispensation
predictions have been receiving their fulfilment. Prophecies are in the same way being now fulfilled in our
own day, and this is fast leading up to the time when God will again put forth His hand to deal with His
people Israel and remove His church to be "for ever with the Lord."
In order to appreciate the facts which Dr. Kellog marshals as to this present fulfilment, it is necessary to read
carefully such prophecies of the past 1800 years as Deut. xxviii. 25, 63, 64, and think of the millions of Jews
destroyed in the siege of Jerusalem, and in the revolts of A.D. 116 and 135, &c. So also Deut. xxviii. 29, 43,
48, all have been literally fulfilled, and verse 58, 59, where God said He would make their plagues
"wonderful" and "of long continuance," and that "the stranger shall get up above thee very high and thou
shalt come down very low" (verse 43). For 2000 years God has watched over them to destroy them, and now
if we see p redictions being fulfilled under our eyes, it is because God is watching over them to accomplish
His word, although He may not yet have actually commenced to deal with them as with His people again.
As to the past fulfilment of Deut. xxviii. we have to remember that under Pagan Rome their lot was hard, and
under Papal Rome it was harder still. Constantine began the oppression, and Justinian continued it by
expressly excluding the Jews from his code. Ever since then the Jews have been the objects of unreasoning
and pitiless hatred; the victims of repeated confiscations, violence, torture, massacres, and banishments.
From the time of the Crusades the Jews have been legally plundered, and brief respites have been dearly
paid for. In 1290 they were expelled from England, in 1395 from France, and in 1492 from Spain. The
Reformation only mitigated their sufferings, for the Protestant Princes subjected the Jews to live in separate
quarters; to wear a distinctive dress; to submit to exceptional legislation: while they were the subjects of
systematic indignity, insult and oppression.
Hos. iii. 4, Lev. xxvi. 31, Is. lxi. 4, xxxii. 13-15, Mic. iii. 12, have all been literally fulfilled, and so has Lu. xxi. 24,
which says that "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."
Attempts have been made falsify this prediction. In A.D. 362, Julian the Apostate tried it in vain. In 1799
Napoleon I. tried to settle the Jews there, but he failed. Pagans have held Jerusalem, Christia ns have held it,
Mohammedans have held it, but the Jews never since that word went forth; and will not, "until the times of
the Gentiles be fulfilled."
Now look at seven great predictions, which stand in direct contrast to all those we have just named. A
contrast so great, that nothing else could explain the facts which we see transpiring before our eyes, or
reveal the causes of the marvellous transformation in the condition of the Jews during this present century.
London, James Nisbet & Co.