scope and defective in their operation. They are often evaded by technicalities, perverted by bribes and
eluded by deceit. But not so with that judgment. Oh how solemn. Is it possible that any can have heard
these truths and be unmoved? Can it be that any are still heedless? Oh how awful! to be sporting on the
brink of a grave which will never open till this "great white throne" shall be set.
You have seen clearly that only those who are Christ's now, who have heard His word, and believed on Him
that sent Him "shall not come into judgment." Have you "heard"? Do you "believe"? Oh what momentous
questions! Questions on which eternal destinies hang! Better far discover your true state and condition
before God now, than to find it out when it will be for ever "too late." Better far come now "to the throne of
Grace" and obtain mercy, than to stand before that throne of Judgment and find "the second death"! May it
be yours, now, to find the Lord gracious and merciful, while yet He tarries, for "the long suffering of God is
salvation." May it be yours to be sheltered by His precious blood, and "NOT COME INTO JUDGMENT."
I cannot conclude without thanking God for the privilege of being called to bear this testimony for Him and
His Word. I pray that a rich blessing may rest upon it, and that many may be awakened to take a greater
interest in Prophetic Truth; to see its importance; to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the
saints; to have their love increased for a Crucified Saviour, their faith increased in a Risen Saviour and their
hope increased for a Coming Saviour.