that furnished by their own works. Even infidels have not been slow to see this point, and to urge it against
the Bible and Christianity.
7. The REWARD is also peculiar. It is "the kingdom prepared for them FROM the foundation of the world."
When "the Church of God" is mentioned in this connection, it is "BEFORE the foundation of the world,"
(Eph. i. 4; John xvii. 24; I Pet. i. 20). This is the expression which is used of the Christ of God and the Church
of God because it is the heavenly, eternal, and everlasting kingdom with which they stand connected. Here
in Matt. xxv. it is an earthly kingdom: it is the kingdom "under the whole heaven," for "the earth hath He
given to the children of men" (Ps. cxv. 16). The title to "the everlasting kingdom of God's dear Son," the
kingdom of priests, is a title all of grace, and only of grace. But the title to the kingdom "under the whole
heaven," the kingdom "from" the foundation of the world is a title of peculiar works with reference to the
Lord's brethren the Jews.
Thus the ways of God in judgment are righteous, and suited to the conditions of His own divisions of
mankind-- "the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God."
All that is revealed to us of Israel, and the ways of God; all that we know of God's purposes, counsels and
thoughts; all that we know of Christ, His person and His work; all that we know of the Church of God, her
calling and her standing before God, her completeness in Christ, her acceptance in the beloved, and her title
to glory; and all that we know of the Scriptures of Truth forbid us to include either the Church of God, or the
Israel of God. Israel will be restored, saved and blessed; and as for the Church. Are we asked to believe that
God justifies her now by grace, and will judge her then by works? That He will blot out her transgressions
now, and condemn her for them then? That He will again bring her sins in remembrance, when He has said
"their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more"?
8. Having thus seen who they are not, it may be well to look more closely at who they are, who are to stand
in this judgment. It appears from Acts xv. 16, 17 quoted from Amos ix. 11, 12 that after the ascension of the
Church and her return unto Christ, and the restoration of Israel, there will be a "residue" of the Gentiles who
will enter into blessing. We read that when the taking out of the Church from among the Gentiles shall have
been completed, "After this I will return, and will build again the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen down;
and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: that the residue of men might seek after the Lord,
and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things." May not this
"residue" be the "sheep" referred to here? And as for the "goats" are they not included in those who are
dealt with in Dan. vii. 25-27 when "The judgment shall sit, and... the kingdom and dominion, and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the saints of the most High," &c. May
not this be the v ery judgment here spoken of and referred to in 2 Tim. iv. 1 as the judgment of "the quick,"
i.e. the living at Christ's appearing and His kingdom; and described more at length in Rev. xix. 11-21.
9. All this is clearly before the Millenium, and upon the earth. It is when "the Son of Man shall sit upon the
throne of His glory," which is "the throne of His father David," and when He shall appear with His holy
angels" to execute judgment" (Jude 14, Zech. xiv. 5, and 2 Thess. ii. 8).
10. But even this judgment is neither total nor final: for after the Millenium, Satan will be loosed, as we read
in Rev. xx. 7-10. The nations again revolt, and are destroyed on the earth by fire sent down from heaven,
while the Devil who deceived them is then dealt with finally and for ever.
And now one word as to the reality of this judgment. If words are to have any definite meaning then we
have finality as to those who are here judged and sentenced. The expressions are definite, and the words are
precise; the issues are tremendous, and the results are final! The same word "eternal" is used by the Judge
Himself of both destinies, and all who receive the Bible as the inspired revelation of God's will, must receive
them as absolute, final and authoritative.
This brings us to consider