world wondered after the beast" (Rev. xiii. 3, 12). At its head arises the Satanic man, energized from hell (2
Thess. ii. 9-11; Rev. xiii. 2, 13-15). The Scriptures describe him as a gross flatterer, a great statesman, a skilful
general, but a vile hypocrite. He will pose as the friend of man; he will be a Nero, a Napoleon, and a Pope all
in one, and the world will be the subjects of a "strong delusion" and wonder after him. But his doom is
certain. The Son of Man will come forth with "the armies of heaven;" and He will give the Beast to the
burning flame. The great Stone shall grind the kingdoms of this world to powder. For that Stone, and that
mountain is Christ. As from the mountain all the gold and silver, and brass, and iron are obtained. So from
Christ all power is derived,16 and to Christ all power reverts. All power and government in the earth is only
delegated; as its first recipient, Nebuchadnezzar, was so solemnly taught of God. And when the great Stone
comes forth, it will be the power of the Almighty manifested to make all the kingdoms of the world become
the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
And now "the times of the Gentiles" are hastening to their end. The world is rushing on to its doom; its
Tubal-cains are working out the engines of destruction for the coming war, while its Jubals are lulling it with
deceitful strains, to keep it from Christ, and blind its eyes to the coming Anti-christ. But its sentence has
been passed, and its execution is at hand.
Like Jericho of old it is "straitly shut up." The men of war look down from the battlements and reproach and
revile those who sound the "foolish" ram's horns of the Gospel. But meanwhile there is a people in it,
though not of it; a generation who have heard of the God of Israel and of His Joshua (Jesus); who have
welcomed His messengers and gladly received their message of peace. And there is one house in it which is
safe; one house which will stand, when the cities of the nations fall. That house is built of "living stones,"
sprinkled with the blood, and protected by the scarlet cord, the token of safety from judgment to come. Dear
brethren are you within this house? Are you safely sheltered by Christ's sure sign and token? Is this your
refuge? Soon, soon, will "the armies of heaven" be here and you will either be in their ranks, or left fo r the
judgment which they will execute. And now "because sentence against an evil work is not executed
speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." But, "as it was in the days of
Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot
went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be
when the Son of Man is revealed" (Luke xvii. 28-30). Yes! "as it was"! The tradesmen will be engaged in his
trade, the labourer in his toil, the sinner with his sins, all saying "peace, peace," when, suddenly, the Lord
shall come, "in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ."
Oh! to be in that "house" protected by the scarlet thread -- the precious blood -- and not left to perish with
them that believe not. For the same God that shook that city to the ground, and saved that "house," has
said "Yet once more I shake, n ot the earth only, but also Heaven... that the thing which cannot be shaken
may remain" (Heb. xii. 26, 27).
No flood could come on the earth till Enoch was taken, and Noah was safe in the Ark. No fire could descend
on Sodom till Lot be come out: No destruction could come to Jericho till those to be saved were within that
house. Dear Brethren, may we be thus taken up as Enoch was, and taken out as Lot was, and taken in as was
that household, alike freed from all condemnation, alike washed in His most precio us blood, alike crowned
with honour and glory, and "presented faultless before the throne of His glory, with exceeding joy."
Matt. xxviii. 18; Prov. viii. 15; Ps. lxii. 11