No -- dear brethren -- "that which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit ... Ye
must be born again" (John iii. 8, 9). And the gospel has lost none of its ancient power. It is, as much to-day
as when it was first preached, "the power of God unto salvation." It needs no pity, no help, and no hand-
maid. It can overcome all obstacles, and break down all barriers. No human device need be tried to prepare
the sinner to receive it, for if God has sent it no power can hinder it; and if He has not sent it, no power can
make it effectual.
Dear brethren, let us as Christian ministers and workers esteem it our highest privilege to be "workers
together with God" in a work that cannot possibly fail. Let us receive into our hearts this mighty motive for
holy living, and effective service. Remember how it is used by the Holy Spirit in the Word as the ground of
its appeals, the point of its arguments, and the basis of its exhortations: and "knowing the time that now it is
high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our Salvation nearer that when we believed. The night is far
spent, the day is at hand, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and put THE ARMOUR OF
LIGHT." (Rom. xiii. 11, 12)