her Lord has told her thus to "watch." She is to regard each day as it comes, as the day, for what she does
not know is, whether He will come "at even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning" (Mark
xiii. 35). Hence she listens with opened ears for the longed for summons "Come up hither," and waits to
enter the door that shall then be opened in heaven (Rev. iv. 1).
Dear brethren, will you be there? These words of grace and glory are not merely words to preach about, they
are wondrous realities, and solemn too, for this day of grace will not last for ever. We know not how soon it
may end. But we do know this, that your last day will dawn, your last hour will strike, the last warning will be
given, the last sermon will be heard, the last prayer will be offered, and then, unless you are "found in
Christ," and are clothed with His righteousness, you must be for ever lost.
Would you escape that doom? Then listen to Him who "spake as never man spake," and said "all that the
Father giveth me shall come to me, and whoso cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."
Dear brethren, may you prove the truth, and know the blessedness of this promise, and the importance of
this precept, "let your loins be girded about and your lights burning...blessed are those servants whom the
Lord when He cometh shall find watching."
Thine the beauty and the glory --
Heir of all things -- Son of God,
Shining round me and before me,
Lighting all the desert road.
Camels girded for the journey --
Kneeling, laden, set for home:
Ah, my heart is gone already,
Centred there, no more to roam.
Roll afar, thou proud Euphrates!
Nought can keep me from my bourne,
Where my mighty Guardian came from --
There with me will He return.
Buried in Chaldea's city,
I had perished with my race;
But the Steward came to save me,
Met me in his Master's grace.
Asked me for "a little water" --
Let me quench his camels' thirst,
Saw in me, Bethuel's daughter,
Her he prayed for at the first.
Ah, the errand that he told me,
Of the "Living One" who died --
Of the Father's love and counsel,
Taking unto Him a bride!
Nothing, I remember nothing,
But the sacrifice and choice --
Never music filled my spirit
Like that penetrating voice.