IV. Another class which consists of warnings for the saints in view of incre asing iniquity. "This know" (2
Tim. iii).
"I charge Thee" (2 Tim. iv. 1).
"The Spirit speaketh expressly" (I Tim. iv. 1).
"I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance" (2 Pet. iii. 1).
Dear brethren, the Scriptures everywhere speak of a coming conflict with ripened evil. It will be fierce but it
will be decisive; and the victory will be not by human power or might but by the power of Him "who in His
time He shall show who is the blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of lords." And they who
take heed to the sure word of Prophecy in their hearts will in that day cry out "Lo! this is our God, we have
waited for Him."
The coming of Him for whom we wait will not be the sunset of the world's bright day, but the dawning of the
Sun of Righteousness at the end of the world's dark night. It is now night in this "dark place," but the same
Scripture which tells us it is night, tells us also that it is "far spent," and that it will grow darker and darker,
until the end, and when the night is done, t hen the morning will come, the morning of millenial glory, that
"morning without clouds."
There is first the gloom and then the glory; first the darkness, then the dawn; first the conflict, and then the
Dear brethren, that night is increasing, that gloom is thickening, that darkness is deepening. Oh, that this
thought of the judgments which are impending, the great and terrible day of the Lord which is near, may
make this a solemn truth, and a great power and reality with us: may make prayer more earnest, souls more
precious, and Christ more dear to our hearts. Oh, that the Lord may use and own this testimony, by writing
these things on our hearts; that some looking back from that glory might say of this service:--It was there
-- It was on that day -- that my heart was touched, that my eyes were opened, that my soul was delivered
"from darkness to light," and "from the power of Satan unto God."