One item more: `The Day of the Lord' (Rev. 1:10) and the prophetic period of the Book.
`I came to be in spirit in the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet' (Author's
Verse 9 tells us that John came to be in Patmos for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ; verse 10
tells us that he came to be `in spirit' in the day of the Lord, and verse 11 completes the parallel by saying, `What
thou seest, write in a book'.
There are four occasions where John tells us that he was `in spirit', viz., Revelation 1:10 he became in spirit in
the day of the Lord; in 4:2 he became in spirit, and saw the throne in heaven; in 17:3, he is carried away into a desert
in spirit to see the woman sitting on the scarlet beast; and in 21:10, he is carried away in spirit to see the Holy City.
When John is to be taken to a desert or a mountain he is `carried away in spirit', and when he is transported into
time, `the day of the Lord', or to the future heavenly sphere, he writes, `I became in spirit'.
We must now say with the apostle `But time would fail me' for our space is well nigh filled. We conclude this
attempt to display the general purpose of the Scriptures, and to help the reader in his early approach to the Sacred
volumes by providing a pictorial outline of the Book of the Revelation as a whole.