There are some who are so spiritual (?) that the doctrine of the Atoning Blood is repulsive to them. We can but
pity them. In the sight of God that blood is `precious'. On the pages of Scripture we discover that through that
Precious Blood we have peace; we are justified; we are saved from wrath. We know Him, our great Surety, not only
as the One Who died, but as the One Who was raised from the dead to die no more. Still for us He lives; still for us
He intercedes; soon we shall be manifested with Him in glory.
May those who read these words be led to realize the blessedness of the truth contained in the type before us, and
unflinchingly and unfalteringly hold fast the truth of: Christ our surety.
Some Thoughts on Sanctification from John 13
The thirteenth chapter of John's Gospel marks an important division. The first twelve chapters deal with the
Lord's public witness, with its reception on the part of the few and its rejection on the part of the many.
Chapter 1:11 says, `He came unto His own, and His own received Him not'.
Chapter 13:1 says, `Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end'. `His own' of
chapter thirteen differ from those in chapter 1:11, for these had received Him, whilst His closing words in chapter
12:48-50, are concerning those who had rejected Him.
The incident that occupies the opening verses of chapter thirteen is well known to most of us, and we particularly
wish to draw attention to two of the impetuous remarks of Peter and the Lord's answers to them, for our own
edification. The Lord, by girding Himself with a towel, took the lowest place of all, that of a menial slave. Truly
`He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many' (Matt. 20:28). It will be
remembered that Luke 22:24 records at the Supper `There was also a strife among them, which of them should be
accounted the greatest'. Possibly the fact that upon taking their places for the Passover, some must necessarily have
been found nearer, and some further from the Lord's Person than others, may have caused this argument to have
arisen. The Lord Jesus listened to their words, and in His marvellous love and condescension gave them an
impressive rebuke by His lowly action.
Think for a moment of the utter depths brought out by reading verses three and four together. Though Jesus
knew that the Father had given all things into His Hands, and that He was come from God (The Apostle) and went
to God (The Great High Priest of our profession), yet `He riseth from supper, and laid aside His garments; and took
a towel, and girded Himself'. He, `Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery (a thing to be grasped at)
to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in
the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the Cross' (Phil. 2:6-8).
It seems that no one had volunteered to do the lowly office of washing the feet, and so the Lord Himself stoops
down and girds Himself; what a picture of His wonderful grace in our salvation. Not a sound is heard from any until
the Lord reaches Peter. He could not keep silent. `Lord, dost thou wash my feet? ... Thou shalt never wash my
feet'! The difference between the unworthy Peter and the gracious Lord was too much for him; he felt, if others said
nothing, he must. The Lord Jesus pausing in His lowly work, looked at Peter and said `If I wash thee not, thou hast
no part (no portion) with Me'. All Peter's qualms fled before the prospect of not having a part with his Beloved
Master, and he more than undoes what he had previously said by exclaiming, `Lord, not my feet only, but also my
hands and my head', rather than forfeit a share with Him. Again he has to learn the lesson of his own ignorance.
This time he goes to the other extreme. The Lord answers him with the words `he that hath been bathed
(leloumenos) hath no necessity save to wash (nipsasthai) his feet, but is clean every whit' (John 13:10, see R.V.).
What lessons are here?
Do we not see that only those who have been washed by the Lord have any share with Him? May every reader
know the completeness of the cleansing once and for ever that results from the application of the Atoning Blood of