Hebrews, shall not `prevent' one another, but `together with them' shall enter into this better thing, this better
country, by way of this better resurrection.
We have seen the relation between the better resurrection and the better thing, we have seen their relation with
Hebrews 11; there remains only the general theme of the epistle to be considered. In this epistle we have Christ as a
Captain, leading faithful Joshuas and Calebs unto their promised possessions. In this epistle He is seen as
Melchisedec the Priest Who blessed the overcoming Abraham. The historic background is the failure of Israel to go
on by faith, and the warning is the possibility of drawing back to perdition. The Hebrew believers are exhorted to
run with patience, and reminded of Esau. Their position is to be one of rejection now, `without the camp', for theirs
is soon to be the added glory of the overcomer, because though they have no continuing city, they seek one to come.
Ponder the double line of endurance (verses 32-38) and set your mind on things above where Christ sitteth on the
right hand of God.
The seven-fold witness
We believe it will be of service to repeat the structure already given.
A Faith in connection with DEATH - Abel and Enoch.
B Faith in connection with INHERITANCE - Noah and Abraham.
C Faith in connection with PILGRIMAGE - Isaac and Jacob.
D Faith in connection with RESURRECTION -
Sarah and Abraham.
C Faith in connection with BLESSING Isaac and Jacob.
B Faith in connection with EGYPT - Joseph and Moses.
A Faith in connection with DELIVERANCE - Israel and Rahab.
Faith in its perfectness is seen in but one Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, but we may appreciate that perfect faith
better if we can see it analysed for us in the 11th chapter of this epistle.
(Heb. 12:1-4)
The long list of witnesses to faith having been written, `the better thing' emphasized, a giving up and a patient
endurance on the part of the faithful pointed out, the apostle turns to the Hebrews to apply the lesson.
Chapter 11 may be looked upon as a great parenthesis; chapter 12, fortified with chapter 11, reverts to the close
of chapter 10, and gives a fresh application of its truth. Let us refresh our memories by a revisal of 10:32-39. We
are in an atmosphere of suffering, yet a suffering illuminated by the prospect of future joys: `knowing that ye have in
heaven a better and an enduring substance. Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense
of reward. For ye have need of patience ...'. The immediate danger that beset these Hebrews was that of `drawing
back', growing weary, and to encourage them the apostle puts forward three items:
(1) The Second Coming of the Lord. `Yet a little while' (10:37).
(2) The examples of faith taken from the Old Testament (11).
(3) The example of Christ Himself (12:1-4).
It is this third feature which is now before us.  Words are used in this passage which demand careful
consideration, and it may be well, before attempting the whole passage, to be a little more certain of the words that
are employed here.
WITNESSES (Greek martus). This word does not mean spectator. It means one who bears witness, even to the
length of suffering martyrdom for it. The English word martyr is the Greek word for witness, and surely no martyr
was a mere spectator. We find the word in Hebrews 10:28, `two or three witnesses'. Revelation 1:5 speaks of
`Jesus Christ ... the faithful Witness'; and Revelation 2:13 uses the same words of `Antipas, My faithful martyr'.
Hebrews 10:15 says, `the Holy Ghost is a witness', and 11:4 tells us that Abel `obtained witness'.