How are we to interpret the words `in all points'? How are we to understand the sequel `yet without sin'? How
does this passage influence our understanding concerning the sinlessness of the Man Christ Jesus ?
There have been those who have argued that the presence of the words `in all points', implies the inclusion of
every temptation which besets mankind, and, in consequence, have been driven by the irresistible force of logic to
affirm that He must therefore have had a `fallen nature' even though He actually `did no sin'. The seriousness of the
subject should be felt by all. To most of our readers, the teaching that the Saviour had a `fallen' nature would come
as a shock. Moreover, the believer himself is involved for he cannot be unmoved by the consequences of the
examination of the words `tempted in all points like as we are'. In order therefore to disclose the scope of the
argument that contains these pregnant words, we must repeat the outline of the epistle to the Hebrews and, following
that, an examination of other passages where the words `tempt' and `temptation' are used, so that, if possible, we
may arrive at a Scriptural understanding both of the range of temptation indicated in Hebrews 4:15, and the
meaning, origin and different forms of temptation as indicated by the usage of the word in Hebrews and in other
parts of the New Testament.
The scope of any passage of Scripture is indicated by its literary structure and we must anticipate our studies a
little here, and lift out from the structure of the epistle as a whole two corresponding members, because in them are
found every occurrence of the words `tempt' and `temptation' found in the epistle.
Let us come boldly
`The Profession'
Examples of unbelief
(Homologia) (3:1; 4:14)
Perfect v babes.
No renewal unto repentance
Senses exercised
Crucify afresh the Son
B Heb. 10:19 to 12:25.
Let us draw near
Examples of faith
`The Profession'
Sons v firstborn
(Homologia) (10:23;
No place for repentance
Discipline exercised
Trod under foot the Son.
There can be no question but that these two sections very closely correspond with one another, and if they
contain all the occurrences of `tempt' and `temptation' that are found in the epistle to the Hebrews, then those
temptations must be intimately related to the ideas of `perfection' and `perdition'; with `going on', or with `drawing
back'. When we come to consider the smaller portion of Hebrews that contains the passage under review, we
discover that its historic background is the story of Israel's failure in the wilderness; a failure to `go on unto
perfection', with which the words `tempt' and `temptation' are closely interwoven.
Hebrews 2:17 to 4:16
A 2:17 to 3:1.
TEMPTED, Succour, Profession.
B 3:2 to 4:11
A 4:12-16.
TEMPTED, Help, Profession.
It will be seen that Hebrews 4:15 is an integral part of this larger context, and no interpretation is therefore valid
that ignores or contravenes the general direction of the teaching of the larger context. A `profession' is in view,
something to `hold fast', something involving trial and self-denial, something that may be lost. Further, with the
structure before us, it is impossible to isolate Hebrews 4:15; we must keep in mind the temptation mentioned in
chapter 2.