Acts 28:23-31
The Dispensational Landmark
A a 28:23.  Chief of the Jews come to Paul's lodging. The day.
b 28:23.  Paul `expounded' the Kingdom of God.
c 28:23.  Persuading concerning Jesus.
d 28:23.  Out of the law and prophets.
e 28:23.  From morning till evening.
f  28:24,25. They agreed not among themselves.
g 28:24,25. They departed.
h 28:25.
The word of the Holy Ghost.
i  28:26.
GO unto this people.
j  28:26.
Hear ... not understand.
D Acts 28:27.k1
l1 Hearts waxed gross.
m Ears dull.
n Eyes closed.
n Eyes see.
Isa. 6:10.
m Ears heard.
l1 Hearts understand.
l2 Be converted.
l3 I should heal them.
h 28:28.
The salvation of God
i  28:28.
SENT unto the Gentiles.
j  28:28.
They will hear it.
g 28:29.
The Jews departed.
f  28:29.
Great reasoning among themselves.
A a 28:30.  All come to Paul's hired house. The two years.
b 28:31.  Paul `preaches' the kingdom of God.
c 28:31.  `Teaches' concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.
d 28:31.  With all confidence. No reference to O.T.
e 28:31.  Unhindered.
We draw attention to the way in which this last section of the Acts is a unity, and to the fact that if we detach its
last two verses, not only is the perfect correspondence of the structure ruined, but, more seriously still, the
intentional contrast between what took place among the Jews in Paul's lodging on one day, and what took place in
Paul's hired house during two years, together with the double reference to the Jews `departure' and their `agreeing
not' and `reasoning among themselves', are lost.
Then we have the word of the `Holy Ghost' balanced by the salvation of `God', the one associated with the verb
`Go', the other with the verb `Send'; the one connected with `this people', i.e, the Jews, the other with `The
Gentiles'. The effect of the one was that though the Jew `heard' he did not understand; the effect of the other that
the salvation of God was `heard' and that believingly. And so the structure leads us step by step to the crisis, the
quotation of Isaiah 6:10, the Dispensational Landmark of the New Testament.
Our next investigation must be the peculiar place that Isaiah 6:10 occupies in the development of the purpose of
the ages, and its association with `Mystery' and `Gentile'.