shewed them His hands and His
feet. And while they yet believed
not for joy, and wondered, He
said unto them, "Have ye here any
meat?"  And they gave Him a
piece of broiled fish, and of an
honeycomb. And He took it and
did eat before them'.
The Lord's words to His apostles
`Speaking of the things
`And He said unto them,
pertaining to the kingdom of
"These are the words which I
spake unto you, while I was yet
with you, that all things must be
(Notice how these two aspects
fulfilled, which were written in
of truth are brought together in
the law of Moses, and in the
the  last  verse  of  Acts
prophets, and in the psalms,
`preaching the KINGDOM OF
concerning Me.  Then opened
GOD, and teaching those things
He their understanding, that
which concern the LORD JESUS
they  might  understand  the
CHRIST'  -  an  unobtrusive
connection such as delighted
Paley.  Further, the fact of
their opened understanding
shows their question in Acts
1:6 to be right and fitting, as
also Acts 1:16-26).
The Commission
`Ye shall be witnesses unto
`Repentance and remission of
Me both in Jerusalem, and in
sins should be preached in His
all Judæa, and in Samaria, and
name  among  all  nations,
beginning at Jerusalem. And ye
unto the uttermost part of the
are witnesses of these things'.
The Enduement
`Behold, I send the promise
`Commanded  them  that
of My Father upon you: but tarry
they should not depart from
ye in the city of Jerusalem, until
Jerusalem, but wait for the
ye be endued with power from
promise of the Father, which,
on high'.
saith He, ye have heard of Me
... ye shall be baptised with the
Holy Ghost (Spirit) not many
days hence ... Ye shall receive
power, after that the Holy
Ghost (Spirit) is come upon
W. Paley was a great Christian philosopher (1743-1805) whose books are still valued today.