The Talents
Matthew 25:14-30
The last recorded parable of the Gospel of Matthew deals with reward or loss consequent upon service rendered
to an absent Lord.
The parable opens much like the Sower, for in each case the formula, `The kingdom of the heavens is like unto',
is omitted. The first parable (for parable it is, see 13:18), starts with the words, `Behold, the Sower went forth to
sow'; the last with the words, `For as a man travelling into a far country'. Both parables speak of results. There is
the ground that produces no fruit, and the ground that does. Then again the fruitfulness varies, some thirty-fold,
some sixty-fold, some an hundred-fold; this is exactly echoed in the parable before us. There is the unprofitable
servant, there are the profitable ones. Their profitableness, though similar in ratio, is nevertheless different in
amount, one produces five talents, the other two.
There is another comparison which we must remember. On page 97 is set out the structure of this second set of
parables which commences with 18:23-35, the Wicked Servant, and introduces the word sunairo, `to reckon', which
occurs nowhere else except in the last parable of Matthew, which is the one at present under notice. This set of
parables is bounded by the idea of a reckoning with servants, and comes in that section of Matthew where the public
ministry of Christ becomes less, and the private ministry more, prominent. Moreover, in both parables there is a
reference to `talents'.
The parable of the Talents divides itself into three sections, the nobleman's prospective going, his absence, and
return. Each action of the nobleman has a bearing upon his servants; to them in the first place the goods are
delivered, in the second they trade with the goods or otherwise, and in the third they are rewarded or punished
accordingly. This will be seen clearly if set out as follows:
Matthew 25:14-30
A1 14.
The journey contemplated.
B1 15.
The delivery of the goods to the servants.
A2 15.
The departure.
B2 16-18.
The use of the goods by the servants.
A3 19.
The return and the reckoning.
B3 20-30.
The reward or punishment of the servants.
It will be observed that the period of service is during the Lord's absence. The commission is given just before
his departure, and the reward is given upon his return. At the close of each of the four Gospels, the soon departing
Lord gives various commissions to His disciples. John shows in the difference between the ministry given to Peter
and that given to himself a reflection of the words, `according to his several ability'. We can readily see that the
apostles who heard the Lord utter these parables would see their own place therein. To them perhaps were given the
five talents, and mighty works were done by the apostles through the gifts of the Spirit during the period of their
ministry. To others two talents were given. In 1 Corinthians 12 various gifts of the Spirit are enumerated, closing
with the words, `But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will'
(verse 11). In the parable the talents are divided `according to his several ability'.
With this parable it is helpful to read that of the Pounds in Luke 19. In this case one pound is given to each
servant instead of a different amount to each as in the parable of the talents. Then, instead of saying, `Lord, I have
gained' so many talents, as in Matthew 25, the servant says, `Thy pound hath gained' ten or five pounds. In the case
of the evil servant of Matthew 25, he digs in the earth and hides the lord's money, while in the parable of the Pounds
he keeps it laid up in a napkin. Again, in each case the evil servant gives a similar excuse for his action. In
Matthew 25, it is, `I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where
thou hast not strawed; and I was afraid'. In Luke it is, `I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up
that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow'.