32. This may have prepared not only those who welcomed Jesus on His presentation in
the Temple, but fil led many others with expectancy.
And now the hush of wondering expectancy fell once more on all, who heard what was
told by the shepherds - this time not only in the hill-country of Judæa, but within the
wider circle that embraced Bethlehem and the Holy C ity. And yet it seemed all so
sudden, so strange. That such slender thread, as the feeble throb of an Infant - life, the
salvation of the world should hang - and no special care watch over its safety, no better
shelter be provided it than a 'stable,' no othe r cradle than a manger! And still it is ever so.
On what slender thread has the continued life of the Church often seemed to hang; on
what feeble throbbing that of every child of God - with no visible outward means to ward
off danger, no home of comfort, no rest of ease. But, 'Lo, children are Jehovah's heritage!'
- and: 'So giveth He to His beloved in his sleep!'33
33. The following remarkable extract from the Jerusalem Targum on Ex. xii. 42 may
interest the reader: -
'It is a night to be observed and exa lted.... Four nights are there written in the Book of
Memorial. Night first: when the Memra of Jehovah was revealed upon the world for its
creation; when the world was without form and void, and darkness was spread upon the
face of the deep, and the Memra of Jehovah illuminated and made it light; and He called
it the first night. Night second: when the Memra of Jehovah was revealed unto Abraham
between the divided pieces; when Abraham was a hundred years, and Sarah was ninety
years, and to confirm thereby t hat which the Scripture saith - Abraham a hundred years,
can he beget? and Sarah, ninety years old, can she bear? Was not our father Isaac thirty-
seven years old at the time he was offered upon the altar? Then the heavens were bowed
down and brought low, and Isaac saw their foundations, and his eyes were blinded owing
to that sight; and He called it the second night. The third night: when the Memra of
Jehovah was revealed upon the Egyptians, at the dividing of the night; His right hand
slew the first-born o f the Egyptians, and His right hand spared the first-born of Israel; to
fulfil what the Scripture hath said, Israel is My first-born well -beloved son. And He
called it the third night. Night the fourth: when the end of the world will be
accomplished, that it might be dissolved, the bands of wickedness destroyed, and the iron
yoke broken. Moses came forth from the midst of the desert, and the King Messiah from
the midst of Rome. This one shall lead at the head of a Cloud, and that one shall lead at
the head of a Cloud; and the Memra of Jehovah will lead between both, and they two
shall come as one (Cachada ).' (For explan. see vol. ii. p. 100, note.)
Book II
Chapter 7