Jewish Christians. Thus he sought to argue against the Sonship of Christ, by commenting,
as follows, on Is. xliv. 6: ' "I am the first" - because He has no father; "I am the last" -
because He has no Son; "and beside me there is no God" - because He has no brother
(equal)' (Shem. R. 29, ed. Warsh. vol. ii. p. 41 a, line 8 from bottom).
125. It is, to say the least, a pity that Mr. Drummond should have imagined that the
question could be so easily settled on the premises which he presents.
126. xii. 32; xiii. 26, 52; xiv. 9.
127. The 4th Book of Esdras (in our Apocr. II. Esdras) dates from the end of the first
century of our era - and so does the Apocalypse of Baruch.
128. lxx.9-lxxiv.
129. Ed. Lemb. p. 7 a
130. These are: the Throne of Glory, Messiah the King, the Torah, (ideal) Israel, the
Temple, repentance, and Gehenna.
131. Pirqé de R. E. 3; Midr.on Ps. xciii.1; Ps. 54 a; Nedar. 39 b; Ber. R. 1; 3 Tanch. on
Numb. vii. 14, ed. Warsh. vol. ii M idr. on Ps. 54 a; Nedar. 39 b; Ber. R. 1; Tanch. on
Numb. vii. 14, ed. Warsh. vol. ii. p. 56 b, at the bottom.
132. In Pirqé de R. El. and the other authorities these seven things are: the Torah,
Gehenna, Paradise, the Throne of Glory, the Temple, repentance, and the Name of the
133. In Ber. R. six things are mentioned: two actually created (the Torah and the Throne
of Glory), and four which came into His Mind to create them (the Fathers, Israel, the
Temple, and the Name of the Messiah.
134. In Tanch., seven things are enumerated (the six as in Ber. R., with the addition of
repentance), 'and some say: also Paradise and Gehenna.'
135. Jer. Ber. ii. 4, p. 5 a.
136. Sanh. 98 a; comp. also Jerus. Targ. on Ex. xii. 42; Pirqé de R. El. 30, and other
137. See for example Pesiqta, ed Buber, p. 49 b.
138. In that passage the time of Messiah's concealment is calculated at forty-five days,
from a comparison of Dan. xii. 11 with v. 12.
139. Gen. xxxviii. 1, 2.
140. Ber. R. 85, ed. Warsh. p. 151 b.
141. Mentioned in 1
Chr. iii. 24 6.
142 The comment on this passage is curiously mystical, but clearly implies not only the
pre-existence, but the superhuman character of the Messiah.
143. Tanch. Par. To edoth, 14. ed. Warsh. p. 37 b.
144. Ber. R. 65 ed. Warsh. p. 114 b; Vayyikra R. 30, ed. W. vol. iii. p. 47 a; Pes 5 a.