Now we ask, does this fit the book of Revelation? The answer is clear, it does, it fits perfectly. The great
prophetic period, the Day of the Lord, is what Revelation is all about. Much light is thrown upon it when we
compare the Old Testament references with this last book of the Bible, such as we cannot get by interpreting the
phrase as merely referring to a Sunday.
There are four references where John tells us that he was `in spirit' (literally). They are 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; and
21:10. He had a similar experience as Ezekiel of old:
`The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst
of the valley which was full of bones' (Ezek. 37:1 and see 11:1,24; 40:2).
Just as Ezekiel was taken in vision by the Spirit to see things future as well as present, so the Spirit took the apostle
John in visions into the Day of the Lord and enabled him to see and put into writing the facts concerning the terrible
period with which this age will close.
The great conflict of the ages, which comes out into the open and to its climax in the Book of Revelation, may be
summarised in a twofold form:
Two Seeds
`Her seed' (Eve) (Gen. 3:15)
`Thy seed' (the serpent - Satan)
(Gen. 3:15)
`Wheat' (Matt. 13:24, 25)
`Tares' (the children of the
wicked one--Satan) (Matt.
13:38, 39)
`Harvest' (the end of the age).
`Harvest' (the end of the age).
`gather into barn' (Matt. 13:30)
`Bind in bundles to burn them'
(Matt. 13:30)
Two Cities
`Salem' (Gen. 14:18)
`Babel' (Gen. 10:8-10)
`Jerusalem' (Isa. 52:1, 9)
`Babylon' (Rev. 14:8 to 17:5)
Two Mysteries (Secrets)
The secret of iniquity
The secret of godliness God
manifest in the flesh (1 Tim.
The man of sin manifested in
the flesh (2 Thess. 2:3,6)
Two Anointed Ones
The Lord's anointed (Psa. 2:2,6)
The anointed cherub (unfallen
Satan) (Ezek. 28:14-19)
`The Lord hath anointed Me'
(Isa. 61:1; Luke 4:18)
Two Dynasties
`David' (Psa. 89:20-37; Luke
1:31-33; Hosea 3:5)
Two Fulnesses
`Israel ... their fulness' (Rom.
`Fulness of the Gentiles' (Rom.