given birth to the Antichrist the man of sin, and the wild tyrannical Beast of Revelation 13. In fact the apostle John
declared in his first epistle that already there were `many antichrists' which proved that the end was at hand - it was
`the last hour' (literally, 1 John 2:18). We must constantly remember that what God causes to `draw near' He can
withdraw, if circumstances do not conform to His will.
Consequently the assemblies described in Revelation 2 and 3 were living in a dangerous time, very near to the
Lord's coming, but with the non-repentance of Israel, that coming and the earthly phase of the kingdom went into
abeyance and we believe that when similar circumstances occur at the end of the age, the Revelation will have its
complete fulfilment and be `Truth for the time'. This does not mean that application of the principles laid down in
this book cannot be made by Christians undergoing trouble and persecution during this age. But application must
not be confused with interpretation and Interpretation of Scripture must first be settled before any application is
made, otherwise misunderstanding and confusion will result.
The book has as its aim the strengthening and encouragement of the `overcomer', for it is to such that this part of
Scripture is addressed, to enlighten, guide and help them during the most terrible and searching time in the world's
history as the Lord Jesus described it in Matthew 24:19-22.
It is unthinkable that God would leave His people to grope their way at such a crucial time without a special
word from Himself. The Revelation, Daniel, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2 and other Scriptures will then be the
special divine guide for His faithful people.
A careful study will show that the churches of Revelation 2 and 3 are linked with the rest of the book.
The Churches
The rest of the book
Warning  of  tribulation
Great Tribulation (7:14)
imprisonment (2:10).
Two witnesses killed (11:7)
`Faithful unto death' (10)
Starvation  for  the  faithful
Hold fast My Name (2:13)
Fear Thy Name (11:18)
Christ reigning (1:15)
Satan's throne (13)
New Name (17)
New Name (19:12)
The woman Jezebel (2:20)
True woman (12:1)
Rod of iron (2:26,27)
Rod of iron (12:5)
False prophets (2:20)
False Prophet (16:13)
Undefiled garments (3:4)
144,000 undefiled (14:1)
Walk in white (4)
Bride in white (19:8)
Temple and city of My God
New Jerusalem (ch. 21)
Not denying My Name (8)
Name of the Beast (13:17)
White raiment (3:18)
Bride in white (19:8)
Sup with Me (3:20)
Supper of the Lamb (19:9)
Supper of God (19:17)