The earth created (1:1)
The earth passed away (21:1)
Sun, moon and stars for earth's
Sun, moon and stars connected
with earth's judgment (6:13;
government (1:14-16)
8:12; 16:8)
Sun to govern the day (1:16)
No need of the sun (21:23)
Darkness called night (1:5)
No night there (22:5)
Waters called seas (1:10)
No more sea (21:1)
A river for earth's blessing
A river for the new earth
Man headed by one in Satan's
Man in God's image (1:26)
image (ch. 13)
Development and end of sin
Entrance of sin (ch. 3)
(chs. 21-22)
Curse pronounced (3:14,17)
No more curse (22:3)
Death entered (3:19)
No more death (21:4)
Cherubim in connection with
Cherubim finally connected
with man's redemption and
man's fall and expulsion (3:24)
restoration (4:6)
Man driven out from Eden (3:24)
Man restored (ch. 22)
Sorrow and suffering enter (3:17)
No more sorrow (21:4)
Nimrod, a great rebel and king
The beast, a great satanic rebel,
and hidden anti-God, the founder
a king, manifested anti-God the
of Babylon (10:8,9)
reviver of Babylon (chs. 13-18)
The rainbow, a token of God's
The rainbow, showing God's
remembrance of His covenant
covenant with the earth (9:13)
with the earth (4:3; 10:1)
Sodom and Egypt, places of
Sodom and Egypt representing
corruption (chs. 13, 19)
Jerusalem (11:8)
Man's dominion ceased and
Satan's dominion ended and
Satan's begun (3:24)
man's restored (ch. 22)
Sun, moon and stars associated
Sun, moon and stars associated
with Israel (37:9).
with Israel (ch. 12).
If expositors and Christians as a whole had only heeded the facts mentioned above, much that is completely
unprofitable would never have been written concerning the Apocalypse. The divine setting of this Book is at the
end of the age and refers largely to the last seven years (the last unfulfilled week of years related to Daniel's seventy
seven's Dan. 9:24-27) a time of unparalleled darkness and persecution which will be ended by the coming of the
Lord Jesus in power and great glory as He promised (Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 19). In other words the setting of the
Revelation relates to the time and the events described by the Lord in this important chapter in connection with the
end of the age (not `world' as A.V. verse 3). Much of the Revelation is clothed in symbolic language, the difficulties
of which have been exaggerated and have resulted largely because the Old Testament commentary has been ignored
and events in this age of grace have been strained to mean the fulfilment of its terrible judgments. The historicist
interpretation of this Book has done great damage to its understanding. The tremendous events described in its
chapters cannot be identified with past history. The confusion and disagreement among those who have tried to do
so make this quite clear and in any case there is nothing in past history that measures up to the terribly solemn
language that the Revelation contains.