thought of as barbaric and part of the Mosaic law which is obsolete today. Actually it was given centuries before
Moses and Israel came into existence and was a regulation to all humanity, not just one nation.
In trying to improve on God's command, men only play into the hands of Satan, who, in Christ's words, was a
murderer from the beginning (John 8:44).
We set out the correspondencies between Adam and Noah:
`Be fruitful, and multiply, and
`Be fruitful , and multiply, and
replenish (fill) the earth' (Gen.
replenish (fill) the earth' (Gen.
Possible  judgment  in
Judgment in the background
background (Gen. 1:2)
the Flood (Gen. 6:7)
`Let the dry land appear' (Gen.
`The ground was dry' (Gen.
Have dominion and subdue it
Fear and dread of the animal
(the earth) (Gen. 1:28)
world (Gen. 9:2)
The image of God (Gen. 1:27)
The image of God (Gen. 9:6)
Three sons (Gen. 4:1,2,25)
Three sons (Gen. 10:1)
Cain cursed (Gen. 4:11)
Canaan cursed (Gen. 9:25)
The ground cursed (Gen. 3:17)
The ground no more cursed
(Gen. 8:21)
After the flood there was evidently another irruption of fallen angels (Gen. 6:4 and note `after that'), but this was
not on the same scale as before. Later on we shall read of the giant Goliath who opposed David, and of Og, king of
Bashan, whose bedstead in equivalent modern terms was approximately 18 ft. long and 8 ft. wide! Satan, however,
did not depend on this alone to defeat God and His plan for the establishment of His kingdom on earth. Being
vanquished along these lines, he started a religious system at Babel, headed by Nimrod, the mighty hero and hunter,
a descendant of Ham. It is significant that the first mention of a kingdom in the Bible is that of Nimrod (Gen.
10:10). Here was Satan's answer to the kingdom of God. The great Satanic system of false religion and worship
began at this point, sometimes dipping underground as in the heathen mysteries with their darkness and immorality,
but finally coming out into the open at the end of this age in `Babylon the great' described in Revelation 17 and 18
as the `mother (source) of harlots and abominations of the earth' (17:5).
All the ancient religions were derived from Babel, in which we can see truth that has been utterly distorted by the
great deceiver. The key figures were Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, who, when deified, became the central
figures in the various religions of the pagan world. All have the travesty of the `mother and son' in one form or
another whether it was Egypt (Isis and Osiris), India (Isi and Iswara), Asia (Cybele and Deoius), Greece (Ceres,
mother and babe), Rome (Fortuna and Jupiter), and China (Shing Moo, with her child in her arms). Papal Rome has
the Madonna and Child, not realising what she is perpetuating. Greek and Roman mythology spread the darkness
still further with its heroes and gods under various names derived originally from Nimrod and Semiramis. The
whole was the Satanic travesty of the Seed of the woman in Genesis 1. Nor are we free from its deadly effects
today, for it has entered Christendom in all sorts of ways. The reader may be surprised to know that hot cross buns
and Easter eggs are primarily pagan in origin, originating from the heathen rites of Babylon. (For further details the
reader is referred to The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop). In Jeremiah 7:18 we have apostate Israelites offering
cakes in worship to the `queen of heaven', probably the fertility goddess Ishtar who was identified with Venus,
another form of Semiramis (see also Jer. 44:17,19)