An attempt to let the teaching of Scripture and especially the claims and teaching of Christ Himself be
`It is not God Himself, but the knowledge He has revealed to us concerning Himself which constitutes the
material for theological investigation'
(Dr. Kuyher Encyclopaedia of Sacred Theology).
There was a great stir, and one that was not confined to theological centres but formed the topic of many
editorials in the national Press, concerning a book written by a Bishop (and criticized by the Archbishop of
Canterbury), as to the question of a PERSONAL God, and whether with the advances of modern science and
philosophy we should attempt a new appraisal of this great theme.
With this in view, and speaking of the necessity to bring our hymns into line with modern thought, one of the
great Daily Newspapers had in its Editorial, words to the effect that we cannot imagine a congregation singing :
`Guide us, O Thou Mathematical Idea'.
In the present study we want to face up squarely to the limits that the Scriptures set to this enquiry, and pray that
it may be a positive contribution, and not merely an exposure of error or a criticism of modern trends.
Honest to God, J.A.T. Robinson (S.C.M. Press, 1963).