EPHESIANS  Chapter 3
Chamber No. 7.  The Secret Chamber (Eph. 3:1-13)
A  Parenthesis  of  Extreme  Importance
(Eph. 3:2-13)
The reader who has the teaching of Ephesians in heart and mind, will
already have realized that some explanation is necessary to account for the
extraordinary revelation of grace that is made known in the two chapters now
The blessings promised are unique
`Every blessing that is spiritual'.
The sphere of their enjoyment is unique
`In heavenly places'.
The period of choice is unique
`Before the overthrow of the world'.
The position is unique
`Made to sit together in heavenly
The unity is unique
`The twain created one new man'.
Here are five items, each of which, if taken alone, is enough to establish
a change of dispensation, and if taken together present so overwhelming an
evidence that such a dispensational change must have taken place as to make
further argument superfluous.  `He that hath ears to hear, let him hear' may be
repeated in this connection as it was pronounced at the blindness of Israel and
the introduction of the `mysteries' of the kingdom.  The section now before us,
Ephesians 3:1-13, is devoted to the revelation and the explanation of the
dispensation of the Mystery.  The opening words `For this cause', show that the
apostle was about to make a deduction and an application of what he had just
been saying about the `habitation of God in spirit', but it is evident that at
the close of verse 1, some necessity compelled him to postpone the teaching that
he had in mind because of the need to give a fuller explanation.  The words `for
this cause' are repeated in verse 14, and the subject resumed.
Ephesians 3:2-13 therefore is a great parenthesis.  However, if we would
be perfectly accurate, we must call the inserted verses (Eph. 3:2-13) a
parembole, for words in parenthesis are not complete in themselves, but words of
a parembole are.  The place occupied in the outworking of the theme can be seen
if the whole passage be set out thus:
Ephesians 2:19 to 3:21
Eph. 2:19-22.
The church a Temple, a habitation or dwelling of God in
B  Eph. 3:1.  For this cause.
C  Eph. 3:2-13.
A parenthesis made necessary by Paul's claim that
his imprisonment was connected with the blessing of the Gentiles, which he
explains as linked with a dispensation given to himself. He returns to the
matter of his tribulations which are for their glory, and repeats the
B  Eph. 3:14.  For this cause.