Paroikos expresses a conception capable of many applications.
Guest of
God (Lev. 25:35), earthly homelessness (Psa. 119:19), etc.
The LXX uses xenos to translate the following Hebrew words:
Traveller, helek (2 Sam. 12:4).  This word means primarily to go, or
to walk, and so by an easy transition it becomes a tax, custom or
duty, laid on ports or ways.  Should the reading arach be preferred
here, there is no essential difference, arach meaning `to go in a
track' and as a noun, `a common road, highway, a traveller'.
Stranger gur (Job 31:32).  To sojourn, to dwell anywhere for a time,
to live as not at home.  Translated `alien' in Exodus 18:3,
associated with the name Gershom.
Stranger, nokri (Ruth 2:10).  A foreigner, outlandish.  As a verb
the word means `to alienate'.
Nekar is used of `the stranger' and `the alien' as contrasted with
Israel in Exodus 12:43; Isaiah 60 and 61.  In Lamentations the word is
used in a sense very suggestive of Ephesians 2:12.
`Behold our reproach, our inheritance is turned to strangers, our
houses to aliens' (Lam. 5:1,2).
Those bidden qara (1 Sam. 9:13).
This passage indicates that xenos is once used in the LXX in the
sense of `guest'.
The reader can see for himself that `stranger', `alien', `foreigner', is
the primary significance of the word xenos and that `guest' and `host' is a
derived or secondary meaning.
We now come to Ephesians 2:12 to see what the context demands.  The scale
is already tipped by the weight
of Scripture usage in favour of the translation `stranger', and there will have
to be very strong reason to justify any alteration.  The phrase under
consideration is in correspondence with another of like import:
`Being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel' (Eph. 2:12).  This
alienation finds its dreadful echo in the practical section of the same epistle
where we read:
`That ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of
their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the
life of God' (Eph. 4:17,18).
The reader may have seen in his newspaper some sort of `Quiz' in which
general knowledge and intelligence tests are a feature.  One such test is that
which is known as `spot the intruder', or some such name, and is generally a
collection of words containing one that is outside the category.  For example,
in such a list of names as Shakespeare, Tennyson, Shelley, Beethoven, Byron and
Browning, it is obvious that Beethoven is the intruder, a musician among poets.
Ephesians 2:11-13 contains a list of words and it will be seen that `guest'
would be an intruder among such words and phrases as, Gentiles in
the flesh, uncircumcision made by hands, without Christ, aliens, guests, no
hope, without God, in the world, and far off.