Colossians 2:4-23
Plausible speech, philosophy (philosophia).
b  -8-.
Traditions of men.
-8-.  Rudiments of the world.
-8,9. Not after Christ. Fulness.
Ye are filled full in Him.
20-22.  Rudiments of the world.
Teaching of men.
a 23-.
Wordy show of wisdom (sophia).
Not in any honour.
-23. Filling of the flesh.
Whatever is intended by Colossians 2:9, `all the fulness of the Godhead
bodily' is closely and intimately carried forward into verse 10 for the word
translated `complete' is pepleromenoi, even as conversely, the title of the
church as `the fulness' is carried upward to Christ, as the One Who is filling
(pleroumenon) the all things in all.  Colossians 2:4-23 combats the invasion of
a vain and deceitful philosophy, supported by tradition and the rudiments of the
world, but `not after Christ', and later in the same argument, not only
philosophies and traditions, but even Divinely appointed `new moons and sabbath
days' are alike set aside as `a shadow of things to come' because `the Body is
of Christ'.  The whole fulness, toward which every age and dispensation has
pointed since the overthrow of the world, is at last seen to be Christ Himself.
All types and shadows that once filled the gap caused by sin, are now seen to be
but transient, or of value only as they point the way to Him, and then
He is Head, He is Pre-eminent, He is Creator and Redeemer, He is the
Firstborn of all creation, and the Firstborn from the dead.  He is the Beginning
of the creation of God (Rev. 3:14; Col. 1:18) the Alpha and Omega, the First and
the Last, in deed and in fact `Christ is all, and in all' (Col. 3:11) in the
church of the One Body, as He will yet be in the whole redeemed universe.  No
more glorious position for the redeemed is conceivable than that revealed in
Ephesians 1:23.  To be one of a kingdom of priests on the earth is a dignity so
great, that Old Testament prophets have piled imagery upon imagery in setting it
forth.  Yet when we come to the Bride of the Lamb, or the description of the
heavenly Jerusalem, we realize how much more glorious is that calling than the
highest calling on earth.  What shall be said then of that company of the
redeemed, blessed neither on earth nor in the descending New Jerusalem, blessed
neither as an earthly kingdom nor as a bride, but blessed `with Christ' where He
now sits `far above all', blessed not only as the members of His Body which is
dignity indeed, but actually destined to be `the fulness of Him', in Whom dwells
all the fulness of the Godhead bodily?
It is evident from what we have discovered in the Word, that the term
`fulness' is vital to the accomplishment of the Divine purpose, and there is one