Blessed be our God and Father,
Who such wondrous love hath shown,
Choosing us in Christ our Saviour
Ere the world was overthrown;
We shall see Him face to face,
Praise the glory of His grace.
Blessed be our Lord Christ Jesus,
God's own well-beloved Son,
Who from sin and bondage frees us,
Shares the glories He has won;
With Him in the highest place,
Praise the glory of His grace.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit:
Love, joy, peace, and life, and light,
All the blessings we inherit
Reach us through the Spirit's might;
Men of every clime and race
Praise the glory of His grace.
Threefold cord that nought can sever
Father's love and Saviour's grace,
Spirit's might, in one endeavour
Saves our fallen human race.
And of sin leaves not a trace,
Praise the glory of His grace.
With this song of praise in our ears and hearts, we may the better appreciate
the structure of Ephesians 1:3-14 which is as follows:
The Charter of the Church
(Eph. 1:3-14)
A1 1:3-6. The Will of the Father.
A a 3.
Blessed be God.
b 3. The believer blessed -- In Christ.
c 4. The Father's choice -- Us.
d 4. The Father's object -- Holy.
e 4. The Father's motive -- Love.
c 5. The Father's predestination -- Us.
d 5. The Father's object -- Adoption.
e 5. The Father's motive -- Good Pleasure.
a 6. Praise of glory of grace.
B 6. The believer accepted -- In Beloved.
A2 1:7-11 The Work of the Son.
C1 7. Redemption In Whom (en ho).
Dl 7,8. According to riches of grace (kata).
C2 8,9. Mystery of His will.
D2 9.  According to His good pleasure (kata).
C3 10,11. Inheritance In Whom (en ho).