Chamber 2 -- The  Ministry  of
(Eph. 4:7-19)
After the exhortation to keep the unity of the spirit, the apostle
proceeds to personal ministry, which embraces `every one' as well as including
those gifts to the church as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and
teachers.  It will be discovered that there are three `measures' spoken of in
this section relating ministry to the gift of Christ, to the stature of the
fulness of Christ, and to every member of the body.
Chamber 3 -- The  Robing
(Eph. 4:20-32)
Clothing in the Scriptures is used as a symbol of Salvation, of
Righteousness, as also indicating an office or a frame of mind.  We read of the
garments of salvation, of the robe of righteousness, of the garments of glory
and of beauty worn by the High Priest of Israel, of filthy garments, of garments
of shame, of mourning and of humility.  The words `put off' and `put on'
employed by the apostle here imply the putting off and putting on of clothing.
Here are garments of glory and beauty indeed, nothing second hand, all made to
measure and all provided as freely as was the wedding garment of the parable.
Chamber 4 -- Ambulatory  and  Social
(Eph. 5:1 to 6:9)
This is the largest portion of the epistle, and this chamber occupies
proportionately more space than others.  There is ample room for `walking', and
here wives and husbands, children and parents, servants and masters, may mingle
and learn how in their several spheres they may shadow forth the relationship
and love of Christ in the Church, sanctifying the home and daily business,
placing all human relationships on this higher plane.
Chamber 5 -- The  Power
(Eph. 6:10-13)
The words `having done all' katergazomai of Ephesians 6:13 literally mean
`to work out' as they do in Philippians 2:12.  They are the practical outcome of
the mighty power `worked in' which is explained in Ephesians 1:19 to 2:7.  It is
nothing less than the power both of resurrection and of ascension.  It is the
only power that is provided and, in view of the nature of the calling of this
church, its position, its ministry, and its foes, no other power is of any
The fact that we are free to translate katergazomai literally in Ephesians
6:13 shows what a valuable instrument of translation and of interpretation the
`structures' can be, for the structure forces the relation of the two passages
into prominence.
Chamber 6 -- The  Armoury
(Eph. 6:14-18)
This chamber is unlike most armouries that are on exhibition today where
the armour exhibited is ancient and no longer of use.  The weapons of warfare