B 6:10-20.
The  Mighty  Power.
Worked  out (katergazomai). Stand.
c 6:14-18.  All  Spiritual  Armour.
d 6:19,20. Prayer  for  Paul:
That utterance may be given
That I may make known
the mystery of the gospel.
A 6:21-24.  a 6:21,22. Tychicus'  Commission.
Epistolary  b 6:23,24. Salutation  Peace and Grace.
In our book entitled The Testimony of the Lord's Prisoner, the literary
structure of Ephesians is preceded by a diagram in the form of a pair of
balances, wherein is poised on the word `worthy' (Eph. 4:1) the sevenfold
doctrinal portion (Eph. 1:3 to 3:13) in correspondence with the sevenfold
practical section (Eph. 4:1 to 6:20).  The doctrinal portion is assessed in the
language of chapter 2:6 `seated together', while the practical section is summed
up under the words of chapter 4:15 `growing up unto Christ'.
This balance of subject matter we have also set out in the form of a fruit
tree* having seven branches on either side, and bearing three fruits on each
branch (for each branch, the fruits: (a), (b), and (c), are exhibited on page
7).  The tree is seen to be `rooted and grounded in love', and is culminated by
the prayer that leads on to `all the fulness of God' (see overleaf).
*  See The Beraan Expositor vol.24,p.4,,and the article entitled EPHESIANS in An
Alphabetical Analysis part 1.