The Chapel of the Opened Book, 52A Wilson Street,
Many outstanding volumes have come from the pen of Mr. Charles H. Welch
such as From Pentecost to Prison, an analysis of the Book of Acts: Life Through
His Name, a treatise on John's Gospel: Just and The Justifier, an exegesis of
Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and The Prize of The High Calling, which takes the
reader through the Philippian letter.
His books entitled: (1) Dispensational Truth, (2) The Apostle of The
Reconciliation, (3) The Testimony of
The Lord's Prisoner, form a trilogy dealing with Dispensational Truth, and have
been greatly used in the unfolding of the Word, `Rightly Divided' (2 Tim. 2:15).
In the last-named volume, a brief exposition of Ephesians appears.  For a
long time, many have wished that a more detailed and extended explanation of
this wonderful epistle be published.  The present volume is the answer to this
wish, and should appeal to all sincere students of the Word.
That the subject matter is cast in a different mould than most works on
Ephesians is readily acknowledged, yet its very difference challenges the reader
to travel new avenues of thought, and to consider prayerfully the wonders of
God's transcendent grace, as it is revealed through the apostle Paul, the
prisoner of Christ Jesus, for us Gentiles (Eph. 3:1-9).
May the God of all grace bless this volume to the heart of every reader.
A.C. Lambourne
Received Text
(Textus Receptus)
This is the Greek New Testament from which the Authorized Version of the
Bible was prepared.  Comments in this book are made with this version in mind.
Where there are textual variances between the Received Text and the Nestle
Greek Text (or other critical texts) such variances are noted.  The phrase `in
the Received Text' is printed in brackets next to the word or words in question.
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