not what they do'.
The people were to ridicule Him.
Prophecy: Psalm 22:7,8
Fulfilment: Matthew 27:41-43
`Likewise also the chief priests
`All they that see Me laugh Me
mocking Him, with the scribes
to scorn: they shoot out the lip,
and elders, said, He saved
they shake the head, saying, He
others; Himself He cannot
trusted on the LORD that He
save.  If He be the King of
would deliver Him: let Him
Israel, let Him now come down
deliver Him, seeing He delighted
from the cross, and we will
in Him'.
believe Him.  He trusted in
God; let Him deliver Him now,
if He will have Him'.
His garments were to be parted and lots cast for His vesture.
Prophecy: Psalm 22:18
Fulfilment: John 19:23,24
`Then the soldiers, when they
`They part My garments among
had crucified Jesus, took His
them, and cast lots upon My
garments, and made four parts,
to every soldier a part; and also
His coat ... they said therefore
among themselves, Let us not
rend it, but cast lots for it ...
that the Scripture might be ful-
filled, which saith, They parted
My raiment among them, and
for My vesture they did cast
The Cry from the cross.
Prophecy: Psalm 22:1
Fulfilment: Matthew 27:46
`My God, My God, why hast
`And about the ninth hour
Thou forsaken Me?'
Jesus cried with a loud voice,
sabachthani? that is to say, My
God, My God, why has Thou
forsaken Me?'
They were to give Him gall and vinegar to drink.
Prophecy: Psalm 69:21
Fulfilment: Matthew 27:34
`They gave Me also gall for My
`They gave Him vinegar to
meat; and in My thirst they gave
drink mingled with gall: and
Me vinegar to drink'.
when He had tasted thereof, He
would not drink'.
His body was to be pierced.
Prophecy: Zechariah 12:10
Fulfilment: John 19:34-37
`... And they (Israel) shall look
`But one of the soldiers with a
upon Me (Jehovah, verse 8)
spear pierced His side, and
Whom they have pierced, and
forthwith came there out blood