He openeth not His mouth'.
answered him to never a word;
insomuch that the governor
marvelled greatly'.
He was to be wounded and bruised.
Prophecy: Isaiah 53:5
Fulfilment: Matthew 27:26,30
`... and when he (Pilate) had
`But He was wounded for our
scourged Jesus, he delivered
transgressions, He was bruised
Him to be crucified ... And
for our iniquities: the chastise-
they spit upon Him, and took
ment of our peace was upon
the reed, and smote Him on the
Him; and with His stripes we are
His hands and His feet were to be pierced.
Prophecy: Psalm 22:16
Fulfilment: Luke 23:33
`... the assembly of the wicked
`And when they were come to
have inclosed Me: they pierced
the place, which is called
Calvary, there they crucified
My hands and My feet'.
Yet none of His bones would be broken.
Prophecy: Exodus 12:46
Fulfilment: John 19:31-36
`The  Jews  therefore  ...
`In one house shall it (the
besought Pilate that their (the
passover lamb) be eaten ...
malefac-tors') legs might be
neither shall ye break a bone
broken ... then came the
soldiers, and brake the legs of
the first, and of the other which
was crucified with Him. But
when they came to Jesus, and
saw that He was dead already,
they brake not His legs ... For
these things were done, that the
Scripture should be fulfilled, A
bone of Him shall not be
He was to be crucified with thieves.
Prophecy: Isaiah 53:12
Fulfilment: Mark 15:27,28
`... He was numbered with the
`And with Him they crucify
two  thieves  ...  And  the
Scripture was fulfilled, which
saith, And He was numbered
with the transgressors'.
He was to pray for His persecutors.
Prophecy: Isaiah 53:12
Fulfilment: Luke 23:34
`... He bare the sin of many, and
`Then  said  Jesus,  Father,
made  intercession  for  the
forgive them; for they know
not what they do'.