Here then is the Refuge provided for all who `trust', for all
who `abide', for all who `dwell'. Such are `covered with His
feathers', and protected by His stretched-out `wings'.
The words `abide under the shadow of the Almighty' may be
compared with Genesis 19:8, with its allusion to the inviolable
character of Eastern hospitality: `Therefore came they under the
shadow of my roof'.
We also find that this dwelling-place is described as `the
secret place of the Most High'. Let us rejoice in this Refuge, to
which we may flee, a `dwelling-place' and a `shadow' where we
may abide.
`When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the
helpless, Lord, abide with me'.
Among the experiences that left their mark upon the soul of
David, was that which he endured in connection with the cave of
Adullam. In Psalm 142 (which is the last of eight Psalms that
have reference to this experience) David, in spite of his
anointing and his faith, is shown to have been sometimes
brought so low that despair entered his heart.
` And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of
Saul' (1 Sam. 27:1).
He had been hunted as a partridge in the mountains, and he
knew what it was to be overwhelmed. Looking back upon these
times, David said :