This warning, to beware lest that come upon you which was spoken by the prophets, looked forward to the
fulfilment in Acts 28 of the prophecy of Isaiah 6.
When we turn to Acts 28 itself we find evidence that the dispensation of the kingdom is still in operation, first in
the undiminished exercise of miraculous powers (Mark 16:17,18; Acts 28:1-10), and secondly in the fact that the
Jew is still `first' (Acts 28:17,20).
The all-day conference with the leaders of the Jews ended in their rejection at the quotation of Isaiah 6:9,10.
Since that day Israel has been, and still remains, `Lo-ammi'-'Not My people', and the dispensation of the Mystery
has taken the place of that of the Kingdom.
All this I know is very challenging, and I do not ask you to accept it without the most rigourous enquiry. As I
have just said, there may be granted to us a further opportunity of study, when we might examine together the
distinctive characteristics of the Mystery. For the moment we must be satisfied with what we have attained, and I do
not think I can do better than conclude our talk by giving you the structure, in outline, of Acts 28:23-31.
Acts 28:23-31.
28:23-.  Chief of Jews come to Paul's lodging.
28:-23-.  Paul expounds the kingdom of God.
28:-23.  Concerning `Jesus', out of Moses and Prophets.
B 28:24-27. ISRAEL. They heard not.
Isaiah 6:9,10.
The dispensational boundary.
B 28:28.
GENTILES. They will hear.
All come to Paul's hired house.
28:31-.  Paul preaches the kingdom of God.
28:-31.  Concerning `The Lord Jesus Christ'.
During the last twenty-eight years it has many times been the happy experience of the writer that, if a believer
can but be persuaded to give serious attention to the claims of Acts 28:28 as the dispensational boundary, he can be
left without anxiety to the study of the Word, the entrance of which giveth light. Provided the claims of that last
chapter of the Acts be duly weighed and verified, such an enquirer will sooner or later arrive at the conclusion that
while a church began at Pentecost, the church, in which there is neither Greek nor Jew, and where Christ is all and in
all, came into being only after Acts 28 when Paul had become `the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles'.