Now we have seen that God has a plan for the earth, in which he will use the Jews when they are saved. And He
has a plan for the heavens, especially to do with saved Gentiles. At the moment He is working out the heavenly
plan, but one day this part of His work will be finished. Then He will again be working on the earthly plan. The
Revelation, the last book in the Bible is about this.
At last the Jews will take their place on the earth that God has for them, and Revelation is about the time which
leads up to that. The Jews will suffer many things from other people before finally Christ returns, saves, and blesses
them. There will be 1,000 years during which the Jews will have the chief place on the earth. During this time
Satan, the great enemy of God, will be bound - he will be unable to spoil any more. After the 1,000 years he will be
set free, and as he again tries to spoil God's plans, so he will be finally destroyed.
This present earth will also be destroyed, and God will create a new heaven and a new earth, in which there is no
sin or death - the things that Adam let into this world. What a day that will be for those who love the Lord Jesus and
believe in Him. Let us read about these new things in Revelation chapter 21, verses 1 to 5.
We have come to the end of this booklet. We have seen a little of what the books of the Bible are about. Our
next booklet will be about the Saviour, and the salvation He has provided for us.