Matthew wrote of Christ as King.
Mark wrote of Christ as Servant and
Luke wrote of Christ as Man.
There is one gospel left: John, and in it we should see another side of the Lord Jesus Christ of which we have
already spoken.
Read John chapter 1, verses 1 to 14.
In these verses we read of someone called the Word. We are told two things about Him:
The Word was God (verse 1).
The Word was made flesh and dwelt (lived) among us (verse 14).
We know that the One who lived among us was the Lord Jesus, so that the Word must be one of His names. In
John's Gospel the Lord Jesus (the Word) is seen as God.
The message which John had was for the world, and his message is for today, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
as God and Saviour. When we were looking at Genesis, we saw how Adam chose the tree of death instead of the
tree of life. We said that only the Lord Jesus could give everlasting life. John, in his gospel, tells us how we might
have that life. Read John chapter 20, verse 31.
How can we have everlasting life? By believing that:
`Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God'.
If we believe in Him, we will also believe that He died and rose again for us.
The gospels tell the story of how the Lord Jesus came to this earth, lived among us, died on the cross and rose
again to return to heaven. When we read the first part of the book called The Acts of the Apostles, we see the Lord
Jesus returning to heaven. Read Acts chapter 1, verses 1 to 11.
Did you notice in the last part of verse 11, that there is a promise that the Lord Jesus would return?
God does not break His promises. He has promised that the Jews will be a great people in the earth, and that He
will be their King. He came Himself to the Jews but they would not have Him as King - this we read in the gospels.
In the Acts He sends His servants again to the Jews, and they are given another opportunity of accepting Him.
Again they were commanded to change their ways (to repent) and to accept Him, then He would return to them.
Read Acts chapter 3, verses 19 and 20.
The Acts is the story of how these servants of Christ went to the Jews at first, and then to the Gentiles, to tell
them what Christ had done for them, and how He could return at any moment. The Jews again would not have Him
as either King or Saviour, and only a few believed the servants of Christ.
Why did the Jews not believe? Well, do not forget Satan, the great enemy of God, he was again trying to spoil
God's plans. It began to look as though Satan was winning.
In the last chapter of Acts we are told how God turned away from the Jews. They had rejected Him, and so He
rejected them for a while. God turned to the Gentiles and to another part of His plans, for the Jews could not be
used at this time to bless the whole world, because of their disobedience. Read Acts chapter 28, verses 23 to 29.