Matthew wrote about the Lord Jesus as the King of the Jews, and he wrote particularly for Jewish readers. He
showed how the Lord Jesus was descended from Abraham and David, and so was related to the Jews. The Lord
Jesus had come to set up a kingdom on the earth, and John the Baptist announced this to the Jews. He said that the
kingdom was `at hand', it had almost come. He told them they should repent, change their ways, for they had
become disobedient to God in many ways. Read Matthew chapter 3, verses 1 to 3.
The Jews would not accept the Lord Jesus as their King and crucified Him. Just before they crucified Him, they
pretended to believe in Him as their King, but they were only laughing at Him. Read Matthew chapter 27, verses 27
to 37.
Today we know the Lord Jesus will be more than King over the earth. See what He is called in 1 Timothy
chapter 6, verse 15.
When the Lord Jesus came to this earth the first time, He was rejected by the Jews and crucified. When He
returns they will accept Him as their King.
In Mark the Lord Jesus is seen as a Servant. Read Mark chapter 10, verse 45. We could write the verse like this:
`For even the Son of man came not to be served, but to be a servant, and to give His life a ransom for many'.
The name `Son of man' is one of the names of the Lord Jesus.
Mark wrote his gospel about Christ for the Romans, the rulers of the world at the time. They would understand
the idea of a servant or slave and his position, for they had many slaves who served them. The Lord Jesus was a
servant because He came to do the wishes of His Father in heaven. He showed to man what those wishes are.
We think of a servant as doing hard work, and this is exactly what the Lord Jesus did on earth. When the sick
were brought to Him we read `He healed them every one'. Sometimes He worked so hard that He fell asleep with
tiredness. The Lord Jesus also had the enemy of God, Satan, against Him. Do you remember how Satan tempted
the Lord Jesus in the wilderness? Read Mark chapter 1, verses 12 and 13.
Satan often tried to prevent the Lord Jesus from doing the wishes of His Father. All these things, the healing and
the opposition of Satan, made life very hard for the Lord Jesus. He knew the hard life of a servant.
If we would be a servant for Him we may find it hard also, but He has told us to put all our worries, all the things
which make it hard for us, upon Him, and He will carry them for us. Read 1 Peter chapter 5, verse 7. We could say
that this verse means:
`Putting all your worries upon Him (the Lord Jesus) because He cares for you'.
Luke wrote his gospel for the Greeks. Now the Greeks admired fine men, and so in Luke the Lord Jesus is seen
as the Perfect Man.
Luke shows how the Lord Jesus is descended from Adam, the first man, and so is related to us all. Do you
remember, when we were looking at the book of Ruth, how we said that just as Boaz had to be related to Ruth to
redeem, so the Lord Jesus had to be related to us, and become man, in order to redeem us?
Luke was a doctor who went about with the apostle Paul. He also wrote The Acts of The Apostles. It was Luke
who prepared the way for what Paul wrote later in his letters to the Gentiles. Paul became the apostle to the
Gentiles, and has an important message for us today. Luke shows that although the Lord Jesus came to the Jews, yet
the Gentiles were not forgotten, and Paul had more to say about this.
So far then we have seen that: