The responsibility for bringing up the child to know and love the Lord rests with the parents - especially the
father. Neither book nor person can ever take their place. If this be realised then perhaps this booklet may be used
with profit.
The parent is advised to read the booklet through first before giving it to the child. He will then be in a position
to verify for himself the truth or otherwise of the statements made. Also the brevity of the subject matter should
prompt questions; questions which will be asked by the child of the parent.
It must be realised that much has been left unsaid. The aim has been to give a very general idea of the contents of
the Bible, and it has not been possible to enter into vital doctrines. The instructed parent will realise just how much
has been left unsaid from such a statement as:
`Only God as the Lord Jesus could buy us so that we should not be lost. He had to be a relation of ours, and so
became a man'.
It is hoped that some of the more important doctrines will be dealt with in further booklets.
The ages aimed at are 10 years and upward, but with help it could be useful for a younger child. The language
has been kept as simple as possible, but with the proviso that it is not so simple as to be incorrect. Familiar terms
such as Jews have been preferred to Hebrews or children of Israel.
This is a tentative publication. It was written by request. If, however, this booklet can be used to the glory of
God then it is sent forth to that end. May it be used to the honour of Him `Who loved us and gave Himself for us'.
Brian Sherring.