Levend Water
The Apostle of the Reconciliation - Charles H. Welch
Index - Page 152 of 159
The Structure of Acts.
A few suggestions bearing upon dispensational points
It is not our intention to present an elaborate literary structure, but we feel that one or two notes may help the
reader, especially if he be already in possession of The Companion Bible.
It will be seen from the following suggestions that we are compelled to differ from the structures of that valuable
work in one or two points, and as they are vital to the true understanding of its dispensational teaching, we give our
reasons. We do not feel that it is right to sever the closing verses of Acts 28 from the great passage dealing with
Paul's testimony to Israel, seeing that there is such evident parallel both in word and idea.  This we have
demonstrated on page 307 where the structure of Acts 28:23-31 is given.
Turning to the structure as a whole we find it divides the book up into two, the former treatise, and the Acts
proper. To assist readers who, having The Companion Bible structure, may feel at a loss to make the necessary re-
arrangement, we show the harmonious way in which Acts 1:1-14 is arranged, ending as it does at the turning point
of the narrative, the ascension.
Then for the same reason we give the structure of the Acts as set out in The Companion Bible, but modified to
these new conditions. One or two alterations are suggested in the member covering 15:1 to 19:20. The structure as it
stands in The Companion Bible fails to emphasize that great event, the crossing over from Asia into Europe, surely a
movement only surpassed by Acts 28 itself! The vision of the Macedonian is lost under a general heading, `Decree
of the Spirit' (Acts 16:6-9). By the simple re-adjustment suggested of this member, the entry of Silas and Timothy is
noted, and the confirmatory work in already established churches is brought into sharp contrast with the new sphere
of ministry opened up by the entry into Europe for the first time.
With these few remarks we offer the following outlines, and trust that they may be of service in tracing the
purpose of the book and illuminating its teaching.
Structure of Acts as a whole
A1 1:1-14.The former Treatise. All that Jesus began to do and to teach.
A2 1:15 to 28:31. The Acts proper. The continued witness of the risen Christ.
A1 1:1-14
The former Treatise
B 1:1.
What the Lord began to do and to teach.
C 1:2-.
Until the day.
D 1:-2-.
Command to apostles.
E 1:-2.
Taken up.
B 1:3-.
What the Lord continued to do and teach.
C 1:-3.
During forty days.
D 1:4-9-.
Command to apostles.
E 1:-9-14.  Taken up.
A2 1:15 to 28:31
The Acts proper
B 1:15 to 2:13.  Jerusalem. Holy Spirit. Enduement of the  twelve.
C 2:14 to 8:1-.
Ministry of Peter and others to nation
in Jerusalem and land.
D 8:-1 to 11:30.
Ministry of Peter and others in the
land. Gentile included.
Jerusalem. Peter's imprisonment. Close of ministry. Caesarea.