Levend Water
The Apostle of the Reconciliation - Charles H. Welch
Index - Page 74 of 159
`And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross
ceased' (Gal. 5:11).
There lies unveiled the secret of all the hostility and hatred of religious flesh against the apostle Paul, and the
cross of Christ: no glorying there in the flesh is possible.
Before leaving this subject, we would point out the way in which this blessed teaching of the believer's
identification with his Lord is introduced in connection with crucifixion. What is it that clinched the apostle's
argument with Peter? What is it that silenced all claims of the flesh and its stoicheia? The cross! `I have been
crucified with Christ' (Gal. 2:20). All subsequent activities, then, must be on resurrection ground, even that of `the
life I now live in the flesh'.
Crucifixion with Christ is a different doctrine from Christ crucified for me; the identification with the cross is
possible only for one already a believer. It does not touch the question of sins and justification - that was settled by
the Lord alone. Identification with the cross touches the two great enemies of the believer after salvation - the flesh
and the world:
`... they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (desires)' (Gal. 5:24).
` ... the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom (whereby) the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world'
(Gal. 6:14).
Both the internal and external enemy is quietened and subdued here.
So far we have not touched, except most casually, upon the second item we put forward, viz., justification
through faith. This we propose to hold over until reviewing the teaching of the epistle to the Romans. We shall,
therefore, conclude this chapter by drawing attention to the first recorded sermon of Paul preached in Galatia,
together with the doctrines first enunciated in the epistle to the Galatians.
Acts 13
`Men of Israel, and ye that fear
Here the inclusion of Gentile
God' (16).
hearers, or at least proselytes, is
`Men and brethren, children of
parallel with the contention of
the stock of Abraham, and
Galatians 3 that they of faith are
whosoever among you feareth
blessed with faithful Abraham.
God' (26).
`... they took Him down from the
`Cursed is every one that
tree' (xulon) (29).
hangeth on a tree' (xulon)
references to the cross by such
a name).
`... by Him all that believe are
The echo of these words runs
justified from all things, from
throughout the epistle to the
which ye could not be justified by
the law of Moses' (39).
The epistle needs close and prayerful study. We can only hint at its line of teaching and pass on, but we trust
sufficient has been discovered to show the status of the Gentile under the terms of the reconciliation; that without the
law or the rites of circumcision and ceremonial observances, the believing Gentile is a son of Abraham and heir
according to the promise. If only we could transfer ourselves back to the days when this astounding doctrine was
first uttered, we should then realize, as it is impossible to realize now, the spiritual courage and dauntless loyalty of
the apostle Paul, when giving place by subjection, no, not for an hour, he kept the open door, that the truth of the
gospel might continue right through (diameno) to us Gentiles.