Levend Water
The Apostle of the Reconciliation - Charles H. Welch
Index - Page 65 of 159
`...  if  he  that  cometh
`... another Gospel' (1:6-9).
preacheth another Jesus ...
another spirit ... or another
gospel' (11:4).
`... false brethren' (2:4).
`... false brethren' (11:26).
`He that wrought effectually in Peter
`For I suppose I was not a
whit  behind  the  very
... the same was mighty in me' (2:8).
chiefest apostles' (11:5).
`But I fear' (11:3).
`I am afraid of you, lest I have
bestowed upon you labour in vain ...
`For I fear, lest, when I
I desire to be present with you now,
come, I shall not find you
and to change my voice; for I stand
such as I would' (12:20; see
in doubt of you' (4:11-20).
also 11:3).
`I have confidence in you through the
`I rejoice therefore that I
Lord, that ye will be none otherwise
have confidence in you in
minded' (5:10).
all things' (7:16).
`From henceforth let no man trouble
`five times ... forty stripes
me: for I bear in my body the marks
save one. Thrice ... beaten
with rods, once ... stoned,
of the Lord Jesus' (6:17).
thrice ... shipwrecked'
`... behold, before God, I lie not'
`The God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, which is
knoweth that I lie not'
`... if ye bite and devour one another,
` ... if a man devour you'
take heed that ye be not consumed
` ... backbitings,
one of another (5:15).
tumults' (11:20; 12:20).
`As we said before, so say I now
`I told you before, and
foretell you, as if I were
again, If any man preach' (1:9).
present, the second time'
`... having begun in the Spirit, are ye
`... that as He had begun, so
now made perfect by the flesh?'
He  would  also  finish
(perfect) in you the same
grace also' (8:6).
`For  in  Christ  Jesus  neither
`Therefore if any man be in
circumcision availeth anything, nor
Christ, he is a new creature'
uncircumcision, but a new creature'
The departure from the truth both doctrinally and practically in both churches is closely connected with doubting
and denying the apostleship of Paul and the truth of his gospel. The self-same departure can be unhesitatingly
deduced from the same cause to-day.
While a more complete list of parallels would be helpful, our immediate concern is with the revived controversy
regarding the apostle Paul. In 1 Corinthians we realise that the elements of division are present; parties rally round
the names of Paul, Apollos, Cephas, and even Christ. It is evident that the apostleship of Paul had been seriously
questioned at Corinth, as chapter 9 makes most manifest: