neither the prophets nor Moses did say should come, then there
will have to be a drastic readjustment of our teaching. At the
moment, however, our position is that the Mystery is not found
in these early epistles, and that they belong to a different
dispensation. Salvation by the blood of Christ, and justification
by faith, are taught in both sets of epistles, but these are
foundation truths, and do not touch the subject of the Mystery.
Until a man is saved, no dispensational position is possible for
him, either in the earthly kingdom, the heavenly city, or `far
above all'.
So far as the Acts of the Apostles is concerned, our
examination enables us to affirm that there at least, the apostle is
found saying `none other things than those which the prophets
and Moses did say should come'
No. 2
The gospel as preached by Paul was in accordance with the
testimony of the law and the prophets.
It would probably not be easy to find complete agreement
among our readers as to the chronological order of Paul's
epistles. This question does not, however, influence our present
investigation, and we will therefore take the canonical order and
commence with the Epistle to the Romans though here we may
all be in agreement that it was the last epistle written before the
change of dispensation. If we can prove that this epistle fulfils
the apostle's claim as cited at the head of this booklet, the case is
practically settled, for if the latest epistle of this series adheres
closely to the law and the prophets, the earlier ones must have
done so also.