One concluding thought. It has been said that the writing of the book of Jonah argues for his (Jonah's)
repentance. The writing of the fifty-first Psalm proves David's deep contrition. Shall we not also believe that
Solomon's eyes were opened at the last, and the fact that he subsequently wrote the book of Ecclesiastes indicates
his justification of God and of the simple truth of His Word?
(6) Wisdom (8:1-17)
Chapter 8 opens with a reference to the wise man, `Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation
of a thing?' (8:1). Speaking of the work of God, the writer concludes the chapter by saying, `though a wise man
think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it' (8:17).
We must keep well in mind that Ecclesiastes is discussing `What is that good', and among other things he has
declared that `Wisdom is good, like an inheritance ... it giveth life to them that have it' (7:11,12). Though wisdom is
so excellent, there are bounds set to its flight; if we observe them it shall be well with us, but if we despise or ignore
them, we shall surely come to grief.
`I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me. That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?'
So the Preacher asked the question, `Who is like the wise man?' and explains the special feature of the wise man
that he has in mind by adding `And who knoweth the interpretation of a thing?'
The Hebrew pesher `interpretation' occurs but once in Scripture, but the parallel Chaldee peshar is used in
Daniel 2:4 to 7:16 thirty-two times, and always in connection with the dreams of prophetic import given to
Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Daniel. This is entirely in line with the recurring thought of Ecclesiastes as to
`what shall come after', or as Daniel said, `what should come to pass hereafter', which the wise men of Babylon
could not interpret.
It is very suggestive that another expression that comes in Ecclesiastes 8:1, `the strength of his face shall be
changed' is also found nowhere else but in Daniel. Daniel 5:6 reads `The King's countenance was changed'; so also
verses 9,10. The passage however that bears most upon Ecclesiastes 8:1 is that which relates to Daniel himself. In
chapter 7 Daniel had a dream which revealed the future of the kingdoms of earth and the final triumph of the
kingdom of the saints of the Most High. At the close he wrote:
`Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance
changed in me' (Dan. 7:28).
Yet another connection is made by the word `cogitation', which in Ecclesiastes 1:17, 2:22, and 4:16, is rendered
`vexation'. We return to Ecclesiastes 8:1, and guided by the most evident parallels of Daniel, find that this verse
divides up as follows:
The wise man.
Wisdom makes face to shine.
Interpretation often, by lifting the veil of the future, changes the strength of face and plunges one into
A little further on in Ecclesiastes 8 the writer returns to the same thought by saying, `A wise man's heart
discerneth both time and judgment' (verse 5). So far this is wisdom and will make the face to shine, but the Preacher
`Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. For he
knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?' (6,7).
What is troubling the man? Verse 8 explains: