We shall be wise to take no heed to either the policy of worldly wisdom (16,17), or to the censure and criticism
of others, however just they may be. Our one aim and desire should be to fear God, and in the confidence that we
shall `come forth of them all' we are to hold on our way. `It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this' (7:18), said
the Preacher. Let us hold fast the truth in the day when it is being deserted; the Lord is faithful, and one day, how
soon we know not, they that be wise shall shine.
(5) The `reason' of evil discovered (7:24-29)
The concluding portion of Ecclesiastes 7 contains an exceedingly difficult statement. Believing it to be a part of
that Scripture which is not only inspired but profitable we must seek its meaning, looking continually to the Author
Himself to lead us into all truth.
A step towards a truer understanding will be the recognition of the theme of the writer. `I applied mine heart ...
to seek out ... the reason' (25). Now this word `reason' occurs again in verse 27: `counting one by one to find out the
account'. We evidently have here the thread, and if we find this same word yet again at the conclusion we shall be
justified in assuming that we have established one item. In verse 29 we have the feminine form of the word, `They
have sought out many inventions'. In the space of five verses we have `reason', `account', and `inventions'. We must
find some common idea that will enable us to understand Solomon's investigation more clearly. The feminine form
of verse 29 occurs in 2 Chronicles 26:15, `He made in Jerusalem engines invented by cunning men'. The word
translated `cunning' is also from the same root; the French version reads `des machines de l'invention d'un
ingenieur'. Many times the root word is rendered `device', `curious', and `cunning'.
If we now come back to Ecclesiastes 7:25 we may be able to perceive more clearly the object of Koheleth's
search. We shall observe that the words `of things' are in italics and we can ignore them if need be.
`I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the cunning device, and to know the
wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness'.
The Preacher was seeking the hidden spring of wickedness, seeking to know what was the ensnaring bait that led
men on to sin and death. Out of the bitter experience of his heart Solomon now speaks. He confesses that he had
not discovered `what his soul seeketh' (28), but the example which he gives, together with the conclusion at which
he arrives in verse 29, will be sufficient for those who seek guidance in this world of darkness.
The better to appreciate Solomon's warning here we turn to the book of Proverbs. A full account of this book is
given in The Companion Bible, where it is shown that some Proverbs were written BY Solomon, but others were
written FOR Solomon and for his guidance, as David's son and successor. Among the items of solemn warning is the
danger morally, religiously and dynastically of the `alien woman'. In the Proverbs written BY Solomon this one
feature is never mentioned. The Proverbs FOR Solomon conclude with a marvellous pen portrait of the wife he
should seek. Here was evidently Solomon's weak point. Had he hearkened to the Word of God he would have
saved his name from the ill savour that must ever attach to it.
In 1 Kings 11:1-8 we read the dismal failure of Israel's wisest king:
`But king Solomon loved many strange women, beside the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children
of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your
heart after their gods'.
Nehemiah, when reproving the people for marrying wives of Ashdod, Ammon and Moab, could find no more
tragic example than that of Solomon: